CHAPTER 9: Getting ready

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Prince manor, 30th August 1991

It's been a month since Harry's arrival to the prince manor and the two newly father and son has bonded with each other and had been inseparable. Severus had been teaching Harry how to use and control his magic and also a little of all of the school subjects like' Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, DADA, History, Arithmancy,Runes and Dueling even though its not a school subject but Harry's favourite and truly loved is Potions.

Severus had also been trying to figure out and get used to his new magic. ( Because during the blood adoption they mixed their blood together, so they both sort of share the same magic now but Hadrian is still more powerful.) Severus is now a master at wandless and non-verbal magic like Hadrian and can speak a little Parseltougue.


Potions lab, 12:46p.m.

"Dad what potion are we making today?"

"We're going to make a Pepperup potion today."

"Cool, what is it?"

"Pepperup potions can be used to cure colds and to warm the recipient up. Drinking it can cause steam to come out of the drinker's ear."

"First add 1 piece of Bicorn Horn to the mortar. Crush into a very fine powder using the pestle. Add 2 pinches of the crushed Bicorn Horn to your cauldron. Add the Mandrake Root to your cauldron. Heat on medium for 10 minutes and leave it to brew and return in 30 minutes. Set a timer for 30 minutes and come on will go have some tea and biscuits."

Harry set the timer and followed Severus out of the lab to the kitchen.

"I'll help you make your black tea."

"And I know you like your chai tea."

Harry opened the fringe and gasped "Dad can I have one of the chocolate chip cupcakes."

"Just one."

Harry's face lit up. "Thank you!"

Severus shook his head smiling. "Come on let's bring these to the family lounge."

They went to the lounge and sat down. They silently enjoy their tea for some time before Severus broke the silence "So Hadrian... Harry smiled at the name he loved it when his father called him Hadrian because that's the name Severus gave him how do you feel about going to Hogwarts in two days?" Severus asked. "Umm I don't know, scared? nervous? excited? sad? happy? angry? I don't really know how to feel." Hadrian said. "It's okay Hadrian, I know you must be confused on how to feel from just being Harry to Hadrian Harrison James Severus Potter Snape, Lord to 9 houses and heir to 3 houses, and the most powerful wizard in the world but just know that I will always help and be with you every step you take and you will always be my baby boy that I loved so much no matter what happens." 'Forever and always.' Severus said and Harry look up teary eyed "I love you dad, thank you." Harry said hugging his father. "I love you too son." Severus said hugging Harry back and then the timer went off. Severus pulled them away from the embraced "Alright, let's go check on the potion."



Severus and Harry had just finished making their potion and started to clean up the mess they made.

"Hadrian, have you started packing yet?


"Okay, after you finished cleaning that cauldron you go pack for your things that you need at Hogwarts ok?

"Yes, dad." "Umm.. dad?"


"What house do you think I will be in?"

"Ahh.. now that's a really hard question to answer because I don't really know you will do well in any house and also being the lord to all four of the house." "Your sorting will surely be interesting."

Harry hummed in agreement.


Harry went to his room to pack for all of his things.

~sss~ Heyy girl ~sss~ Harry said in parseltougue to his snake familiar that he named Diamond.

~sss~ Hello master ~sss~

~sss~ How are you today? ~sss~

~sss~ I am good thank you master ~sss~

~sss~ Alright that's good, I'll just get back to packing. ~sss~



A/N: Hey guys hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Go check out my Instagram ( Slytherins_snape ) for some sneak peak. Love you all, stay safe.

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