CHAPTER 21: Something wrong?

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"Harry. Harry? Harry?" called Neville


I was just asking if you have seen the others? Are you alright? You have been very quite lately? Is something wrong?

"N-no. I'm fine really. I'm just tired. I should probably just go back to my quarters for a nap before dinner. "

"Alright, if you are sure?" Neville knew that was a lie but he didn't pry.

"Y-Ya. I'll see you later I guess."

Neville just watch Harry walk out of the library with a frown on his face.


"Hey Dray!" Neville called out when he saw Draco and the snakes passing through a hall.

Draco turn around and stop at the call of his name.

Neville ran to them.

"Hey sorry, I just want to ask have any of you been with Hadrian today? He seems a bit off."

"Ya, we had charms together first thing in the morning. He does seem a bit not like himself today. Always tuning out and staring into space during lesson. Why? What's wrong? Did you talk to him?" Blaise said.

"I was with him in the library not long ago and he was exactly as you say staring into space and very quite."

"Did he tell you why?" asked Draco.

"Well not exactly, he just said he was tired and should probably go back to his quarters for a nap before dinner. I didn't believe him but I didn't want to pry also."

"Should we tell his father?" Theo asked.

"I don't know maybe he is just tired? How about if he's still the same at dinner then will tell Professor Snape." Blaise suggested.

"Ya, that's probably the best. Well I better go I have Herbology with the puffs in 5 minutes, so I better go. See you guys at dinner." Neville waved at them and ran off to the greenhouses.


At dinner

The odd 12s are all sitting at the Ravens table. People are no longer staring at them like hawks, already use to it except for the old coot obviously but none of them pay him any mind.

"Pss pss."

Neville look up from his food to Hermione.


"What's wrong with Hadrian today? He seems a bit... I don't know."

The others all stop their chatting and turn their attention to the two then to Harry who was playing around with his food and totally oblivious to everything.

"You notice too?"

"Of course. Usually he's always paying full attention and answering question in class but today he's just so quite as if he's not even here."

The others listening nodded their head in agreement.

"Alright, how about we share our concern with his father after dinner is over? It's probably for the best anyway."

Everyone agreed and look to Harry in concern who still had no idea to happenings around him.



Severus opened his door and was surprised to see all of Harry's friends there.

He raised one eyebrow at them in question.

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