CHAPTER 12: First day of classes

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After everyone in the great hall finished eating dinner, Dumbledore once again stood up "Now that we are all fed and watered, all prefects escort the first years to their common room, you are all dismissed and I bit you all a goodnight, thank you." and just like that the headmaster walked out of the great hall.

"That's a little... "

"Whatever, but you need to get to bed tomorrow is the first day of classes." said Severus

"Ahh.. but that's the thing where am I go... before Harry could finished gold magic started surrounding Harry it was Hogwarts."

"Young lord of mine, you do not have to worry, you have your own lord quarters a few halls away from the great hall it used to be the founders common room, the door will only open to you when you want to enter ." Hogwarts said to Harry.

"Thank you, Hogwarts but can you also let my father able to enter my quarter please?"

"Of course, young lord."

"Good night."

Hogwarts wrap her magic around Harry like a hug then left.

"What happen?" Severus asked.

"Hogwarts told me that I actually have my own quarters a few way halls away from the great hall."

"Alright I'll escort you." Severus said not even want to asked anymore, now used to all the crazy and weird things that happen to Harry.

They walked down a few halls then a door appear and went through it was huge with a large common room, four bedroom, a kitchen, a duelling room, a small library and potions lab.

They just went through one door that was a bedroom thinking to explore tomorrow.

Severus wave his hand at Harry to change his clothes to pajamas and tuck him to bed.

"I'm going back to the dungeons to check on the other snakes, I'll come back tomorrow morning to check you, if you need me just call Taffy she'll get me for you ok? Goodnight son."

"Good'night dad." Harry yawn.

Severus stayed until he was sure Harry was asleep and went back to the dungeons.


In the morning.

"Hadrian, wake up and get dressed you need to get to breakfast." Severus said pulling off his cover

Harry stirred and muttered pulling back his cover "Ughh go away, I want to sleep."

"Hadrian... don't make me count to 3" Severus said in his warning voice.

"1" Severus said still nothing from Harry.

"2" Severus said this time more dangerous.

"Ok. ok. I'm up." Harry groaned.

"Get dressed, I'll see you in the great hall." said Severus and left.

Harry got up and went to the washroom.

Harry decided to wear one of the robes that he bought.

Harry decided to wear one of the robes that he bought

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After he got dressed, he put on a blank face and walk to the great hall

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After he got dressed, he put on a blank face and walk to the great hall.


'BANG' The doors to the great hall threw wide open.

All eyes turn to the door and there stood Hadrian walking up to the head table, all the girls are just staring at him with heart eyes as he walk.

Severus just rolled his eyes at his son's dramatic entrance.

"Good morning, father."

"I see you finally got yourself dress."

Harry rolled his eyes and sat down pilling food to his plate.

Harry finished eating and Severus handed him his schedule.

"Thank you, father."

Harry look through his schedule.

"Looks like I have potions with the Slytherins and Gryffindor this afternoon."


"Alright, I have charms with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw for first period, I guess I'll go meet my friends that I met at the train yesterday."

"See you later dad." Harry stood up and went to the Hufflepuff table.


"Hello, Susan and Hannah, Good morning." Harry said with a smile.

"Morning Hadrian." Susan and Hannah returned.

"What got you to the Hufflepuff table today?" asked Susan.

"Well turns out I have charms for first period with you guys and you guys are also in fact my friends."

"Oh.. well better get to class then." Hannah suggested.

"Sure, come on, I know a short cut."

The first years puff decided to just follow the trio.

They got to the charms classroom 10 minutes before class start.

"Woah... how do you do that?" asked Hannah

"Do what?" asked Harry

"Know the way." said Susan

"Oh, Hogwarts told me." answered Harry cheerfully.


"A moment later, the ravens and Professor Flitwick came in."

Professor Flitwick took out a scroll and did a roll call.

Professor Flitwick squeak when he got to Harry's name to the amusement of Harry.

The class was boring Flitwick just did a introduction to the charms then the bell rang and they were dismissed.

The rest of the day was uninteresting it was the same as charms just introduction.


Harry went to the great hall with his friends for dinner.

They all set goodbyes and Harry went up to his seat at the head table.

"How's your classes today?" asked his father.

"Nothing interesting."

"Well when you finished eating come to my quarters I need to talk you."

Harry nodded and continued eating.



A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is a little boring.. but I'll see you all on the next chapter. Thank you.

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