CHAPTER 14: Hello, I'm...

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Hogwarts, 18 September 1991, 8:19a.m.

Harry woke up and got out of bed to get ready for the day. Today was the day his father was going to introduced him to someone.

He walk out to the kitchen and greeted his dad.

"Sit down, and eat your breakfast."

Harry sat down and started pilling bacon and eggs to his plate.

"Our guess is coming over at 10am so I'll be at my lab until then to finished up a few potions for the infirmary, if you need anything do not hesitate to come to me."


At 9:55am Harry and Severus sat at their living room to wait for their guest or mystery guest for Harry.

Just exactly 5mins later the fireplace lit up and a blurry figure stood. When the green fog had died down a man in his late 30s with long platinum blond hair tied up in a low ponytail in luxurious ministry robes came into view.

Severus stood up to greet the man.

"Ahh... Severus my dear brother, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you Lulu, it's good to see you again."

"Don't call me that! you know I hate that name." the blond said making a face.

"Ohh I know, I just wanted to annoyed my dear old brother a little bit."

"I'm not old!" the blond exclaimed

"Really?" Severus said innocently.

The blond just look at him in disbelieve.

Harry just stood behind watching the both amused at their antics.

Then the man laid his eyes on the boy behind Severus.

"Severus is this your boy that the papers are going crazy about?"

"Yes actually... Severus pulled Harry towards him Lucius this is Hadrian Snape my son and Hadrian meet Lucius Malfoy my friend."

"Pleasure to meet you Lord Malfoy." Harry said formally holding up his head.

"Pleasure is all mine.. but please just call me Lucius no need the formalities, hearing people call you by your title everyday all the time gets a little annoying some times." Lucius said shaking his head.

"Oh shut up Luc, I've known you for a long time and I know you love all the attention you get." "Hadrian, you can just call him 'Uncle Lulu' he doesn't mind."

Lucius glared at his friend and Harry was just trying to not bust out laughing already.

"Stop it already Luc, that look on your face is getting old, sit down I'll go prepare us some tea."

Lucius and Harry sat down and Severus went to the kitchen.

"So.. your the boy that my son seem to can not shut up about.. every letter that I get from him is about Hadrian this, Hadrian that, he did this, he did that, he's so cool.. impressive.. this is the first time that he seem to not be able to shut up about someone.. and I can't believe that someone is the son of my brother that I haven't met before until today."

Harry blushed at that.

"Is it true about the fact Draco telling me that your Lord to 9 and heir to 3 most ancient and most noble houses?

"Yes.. I don't like to brag but it's the truth I'm Lord to 'Potter, Peverall, Slytherin, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Hogwarts, Emrys and Lefay' 'Heir to Black, Prince, Lupin.'

"Black.. hm.. my wife's a black so that basically made you my nephew in a way."

Before Lucius can speak any more Severus came back with 3 cups of teas and some snacks. Both of them said their thanks to Severus.

"Hadrian if you want you can go grab a book to read or go to your room because me and Lucius are going to talk about business which might be pretty boring for you."

"Oh ok dad, I'll go to my room to finish up some leftover homework."

After Harry left Lucius asked "Severus what did you invite me to talk about here today?"

"Sirius Black." Severus said simply.

"Sirius? he's in Azkaban right now.. what do you want to talk about him?" Lucius asked confused.

"Tell me why did he went to Azkaban?"

"Umm.. he betrayed the potters to the dark lord? which I still don't quite believe.. why are you asking?"

"Well to recent research that I did I found out as much as I hate to say it Sirius black is innocent."

"WHAT!? How is that possible?"

"What is he to Hadrian?" Severus asked him.

"Um.. last I remember he's Hadrian godfather."

"Yes.. and what happens when one accept to be godparent?"

"They create a magical bond between godparent and godchild?"

"Omg, Lucius think, think."

Lucius sat silent for a moment then his eyes widened "NOO... he gasped the magical bond is almost like a unbreakable vow which means that if one decided to go against the bond they will die."

"Yes and Black is still alive so he couldn't have betrayed the Potters, even if he did there is no way for him to survived."

"And do you know that Black when to Azkaban without a trial?"

"No I didn't but that's totally illegal to have someone put into Azkaban without a trail and not just any someone but the Lord of the most ancient and most noble house of Black."

"Why did he not have a trial anyway?"

"From what I found is that after the dark lord killed the potters. Sirius Black was found in a muggle neighbourhood with Peter Pettigrew but by the time the aurrors arrived they found Sirius Black laughing like a mad man and yelling out that he killed the Potters and Peter. The aurrors investigate the whole neighbourhood and found 12 muggles killed from a strong Reductor curse that hit a gas pipe causing an explosion and one single finger on the ground which is supposedly Peters"

"Hmm.. that's odd it's not like him at all."

"I wonder why he declared that he killed the Potters though."

"Maybe it was Peter who betrayed them? and Sirius was just having a mental breakdown from just finding out that his bestfriend had died and the other person that he least expected betrayed them?" Lucius suggested.

"You made a good point there... Peter, quite boy always just follows the three around.. never really got a good a feeling about him after 5th year.."

"So if it is Peter, the only question is that is he alive or not?"

"I don't know Luc.. it's always unexpected how a person can change completely with just little time."

"Ok, I think we're done for today, I'll do more research."

"Yes, I better get back for lunch, I'll help to do more research too since I work in the ministry I can sneak around a bit." Lucius smirked.

"Alright, now get out! I want to spend the rest of the day with my son alone."

"Awww.. how sweet Sevey wanting to spend time with his son.. cute."

"Get out now! before I hexed you and stop acting like a bunch of school girls it's disgusting."

"Aww..come on"

Severus glared dangers at him and growls "Get... Out... Now!..."

"Lucius put his hands up in surrender "Ok, ok, ok, relax, I'm leaving, have fun with your son." Lucius said and leaving through the floo."



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