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Bang Chan's POV

I plopped onto my bed, confused and frustrated. I had no idea what was going on. I tried to brush it off and get ready for bed when someone knocked on my door. It was the junior class leader passing out mail.

"Christopher, you have a package from home." He handed me a box that was strangely lightweight. It was from my mom.

"Um, thanks Minho." I took the box and sat down on my bed, carefully opening it. It was a bunch of Australian snacks. I threw them in one of my drawers and got in bed.


I sat on my bed and checked the time. I still had twenty minutes before I had to leave. I reached into my drawer and grabbed one of the snacks my mom had sent.

"Are those Cheezels?" I heard someone call from the hallway. I forgot I had left my door open.

"Um, yeah. My mom sent me a bunch of snacks last night."

"Does your mom live in Australia?"

"Yeah, that's where I transferred from."

"I transferred from Australia third year! My name's Felix." He leaned into my room with an outstretched hand, which I took and shook.

"I'm Christopher. Call me Bang Chan."

"Alright. Hey, would you want sit with me and my friends at breakfast?"

"Nah, that's alright. I already have someone to sit with."

"That's right, you sit with the principal's daughter. What's her name?"


"Right. No one really uses her name, but she really keeps to herself so not many people know her name."

"Yeah, I noticed that."

"Anyway, I' going to the cafeteria. See you later."

Chae-sul's POV

I laid my head down on the table, trying to block out all the noise. I hate mornings.

"Do you not eat? Or do you just hate cafeteria food."

"I'm not hungry," I said, my face still buried in my arms.

"Come on, you have to eat something. You didn't eat at dinner."

"I ate at home."

"I find that extremely difficult to believe. Here." I looked up and saw he was trying to hand me a piece of toast. I rolled my eyes and snatched it from his hand.

"Fine. But only so you'll shut up."

Bang Chan's POV

I grabbed a second tray before heading to the table. I sat it down in front Chae-sul, who was reading a book.

"Thanks." She marked her book and started eating. I

"Well I didn't expect that to be so easy."

"Yeah, I just don't eat when I'm upset. And I hate school so that's pretty much every morning."

"Well, you're eating now so I'm guessing you had a pretty good morning."

"Yeah, Delilah was sick this morning so this morning was pretty decent."

"I'm glad." I noticed Felix waving at me from a few tables away.

"Who's that?"

"Just a friend I made this morning."

"Well he's waving you over. Why don't you go sit with him?"

"Because I'd rather sit with you."

"There's no way you prefer sitting with me over other guys."

"I would much rather sit with you." I met her eyes. It was very clear that she didn't believe me whatsoever.

"What if I'm sick and stay home. Would you still sit here?"

"What?" I laughed. She fake sighed.

"I knew it. You do prefer other people." She got serious. "Do you really prefer to sit with me over your friend?" I shrugged.

"You're my friend. Besides, I barely know him." She smiled.

"I didn't think you considered me friend."

"Obviously. You've been nice to me since day one."

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