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Chae-sul's POV

"Chae!" Solar yelled as she walked into the living room.

"Why are you yelling?"

"Because this is important." She shoved her phone at me.

"Who is it?" The caller ID was unknown.

"Just answer it." She went back to her room.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey, Chae." I immediately recognized the voice.

"Chan? I thought Solar had your number."

"Yeah, I'm not calling from my phone. This is some pay phone I managed to find. Look, I really wish I could tell you this in person, but something came up and I won't be back for a while." My heart sank to my stomach.

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"I can't talk about it, but I promise you as soon as I can I'll come see you."

"Chan, what's going on?"

"Like I said, I can't talk about it. But good things are coming, I promise."

"When will you call again?" I heard him sigh, telling me the answer to that question.

"I can't. And I don't know how long I'll be gone. But I promise when I can I will come see you." Someone yelled in the background. "I have to go." Without another word, he hung up.

I didn't know what to think, so I just laid down on the couch and cried.

Bang Chan's POV

"What part of no phone calls do you not understand?" the officer in charge of me yelled.

"I couldn't just leave without telling her. Not again." He rolled his eyes.

"Look, kid, I don't care who she is to you. Witness protection protocol says you absolutely cannot contact anyone. That's the whole point, no one being able to find you and all." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Why do I have to be in witness protection anyway. And shouldn't Chae-sul be in witness protection, too?"

"Jihya," Ara corrected me. "Her name is Jihya."

"I'm sorry, Ara. But why isn't she here, too?"

"Because she doesn't know what's going on," the officer griped. "As of right now, she is in no danger. But you two are. Park Jin-young has the resources to make you both disappear without a trace, and after his visit with the officers we sent, there will be a very large target on both of your backs. But since Chae-sul or Jihya or whatever her name is doesn't know anything, she's safe. Besides, didn't you say he doesn't know where she is?"

"And didn't you say Jin-young has the resources to make us disappear without a trace? Maybe he has the resources to find her. Maybe he already has found her."

"We have officers around the building. She's perfectly safe." He gestured out the door. "Looks like your ride is here." I looked toward the door just as three men in suits walked in.

"Christopher Bang and Ahn Ara?"

"Yes?" we both answered.

"We here to take you to your safe house. We also have all of your new identity information."

"Um, quick question," I started. "How long would we be in witness protection?"

"As long as this investigation goes on, so maybe a few months."

"A few months?" This was ridiculous.

"Sir, everything will be alright. Just please come with us.

"Whatever," I grumbled under my breath as I followed the men out the door.


"So our story is you're my mom and we moved here from Boseong to start a new life after my father died."

"That's not going to go down well. People are going to question your accent."

"I know." I rubbed my forehead, frustrated.

"Christopher, there's something I've been meaning to ask you."


"What Jin-young like? Did he take care of Jihya?" I really didn't want to tell her this, but she deserved to know the truth.

"No. He's a terrible man. A raging alcoholic who... hurt her. That's why I had to get her out of there. I couldn't stand to see her hurt like that anymore."

"You seem to care a great deal about her."

"Yeah, I do."

"Do you think you could possibly have feelings for her?" I sighed.

"No, I don't think I have feelings for her. Because I know I'm in love with her."

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