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Bang Chan's POV

I held onto Chae-sul's hand as I crept up the stairs to my room, praying I didn't run into anyone. I had finally made it to my hallway.

"Chris, what are you doing?" Damn it. I slowly turned around, seeing Minho at the end of the hall.


"Actually, I don't want to know. Just hurry up and get to your room so no one else sees you. And be quiet." He scurried off toward his room. I brushed it off and led Chae-sul to my room.

"Well," she started. "That was... awkward."

"Yeah, and he'll probably tell the others about it."

"That'll make a great meal conversation."

"The best. So, I'll take the floor."

"No, you took the floor at my house."

"I did, and I'm doing it again. You're taking the bed."

"Absolutely not. You went through the trouble to get me in here, I'm not taking your bed."

"And you've already had a rough day. You're taking the bed." She seemed to think for a moment before rolling her eyes.

"Fine. But only because I'm too tired to argue."

Chae-sul's POV

I rolled over, somewhere between asleep and awake. I heard someone sigh next to me, but I was so tired I couldn't remember who was in the room when I went to sleep.

"You look so.. at peace,"the unknown voice said. I felt a hand brush the hair out of my face. "I wish you would tell me what's really going on. I want to help you, I care about you. I..." They  sighed again. "I think I may be falling in love with you."


"Chae, it's time to get up. We have to get you out of here." I slowly opened my eyes to a familiar face.

"What time is it?"

"About time for him to head to his office. We have to go now, before anyone wakes up." I nodded, getting up and grabbing my shoes.

(-) Yes, another one of these because I'm not good at filler chapters so we're skipping a few days.

I walked down the hall with Jinn-young. He pulled me from class "just to talk because he missed me."

"I've seen your grades have improved."

"Yeah, I've been studying a lot more." That was a lie. Chan had been tutoring me during meals.

"That's good. And you've been doing good to keep up with your chores."

"Of course. Anything for you, Appa." I hated calling him Appa.

"You know, this kind of behavior deserves a reward. We should go to town tomorrow." I decided to ask the one question that I already knew the answer to.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could go to town by myself this weekend. I know I've never been alone, but I've heard that the people in town are friendly and would help me if I happened to get lost-" He hit me. Hard. Over and over again.

"You know the rules! You do not go into town without me!" He grabbed my arm, aggressively jerking it. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder ."I'm tired of you pushing my buttons, young lady!" Without another word, he threw me into the broom closet we were standing next to, locked it,  and walked away.

I just laid in the floor, crying. I had no idea how I was going to get out of here, and I was just knew my shoulder was jacked up. So I just laid there and cried until I had cried myself to sleep.

Bang Chan's POV

I walked half ran through the dark hallway, panicking.

"Chae?" I whisper shouted. "Chae-sul, where are you?" Finally, I heard a small whimper coming from a closet.


"Chae-sul! Are you ok?"

"No, please get me out of here." I tried the door.

"It's locked. I have some paper clips in my locker that I can use to pick the lock, just hold on." I ran as fast as I could to the next hall where my locker was. It was dark, so it was hard to see. I managed to get the combination lock opened and found the paper clips, sprinting back to the closet. I frantically worked the lock. Finally, after dropping the paper clips three times and scrambling to find them in the dark, the lock clicked open. I threw the door open, and Chae-sul scrambled out of the closet and into my arms. Her face was busted up and she was babying her left shoulder. "What the hell happened?"

I give up trying to make cool chapter names. I'm not good at it. Deal with it.🙃

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