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I looked around the huge apartment, still unable to take it all in. Everything just seemed so... expensive.

"So after Africa, I spent about a week in America. It was a terrible place, so I got out of there as fast as possible. I went to France for about a month, then decided I should come home for a while."

"And how do you pay for all this?"

"My uncle pays for everything. Well, he pays for the travels. I have sugar daddies all over the world, they pay for all of this." She waved her hand, gesturing to everything in the room. "But enough about me. Who's the boy?" she teased. Chan had already left so he could make it back to the dorm before curfew. I rolled my eyes.

"He's my friend."

"A friend who seems a little too friendly..." I threw a cushion at her.

"Stop," I giggled. "He's just helping me get away from Jin-young."

"But it's the perfect love story," she whined. "A damsel in distress, her knight in shining armor. You can't tell me this situation isn't at least a little bit romantic." I rolled my eyes again.

"You should stop worrying about me and focus on yourself. You can't tell me you haven't met anyone interesting."

"Oh, I have found many interesting people, which have made for some very interesting nights." She wiggled her eyebrows. I threw another cushion at her.

"You know what I mean."

"No, I haven't found anyone I felt romantically attracted to. But I said I was done talking about myself. Tell me more about Chris."

"Ugh, fine. He's nice, friendly. He gets along with just about everyone. Except Delilah of course." Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"I thought I taught her to leave you alone?"

"Well, she's dumber than a box of rocks so it's not surprising that she didn't learn. She's all over him, all the time. It's so gross. 'Oppaaa, come sit at my table with me,'" I mocked. "'Oppaaa, come to the mall with me this weekend. Oppaaa, your accent is so hot, bend me over this desk and rail me.'"

"Wait, did she actually say that?"

"No, but she might as well have."

"Oh, speaking of his accent, where is he from?"

"He's from Australia. Sydney, I think."

"Oo, Aussie boys are some of the best in bed." I was out of cushions to throw.

"Wha- Solar!"

"Hey, you'll thank me for that advice in the future."

"I don't think I will."

"Fine." She held her hands up in defeat as she got up. "While you continue to deny your true feelings for him and the chemistry that you two obviously have, I'm going to bed." She went to her room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

She's kind of right. That weird electric feeling when our skin touches, how safe I feel around him, how much he cared about me. It doesn't really feel like friendship, at least not the friendship between me and Solar. I mean, I never wondered what it would be like to kiss her, to stay in her arms for the rest of my life, all the things I thought of when I'm with Chan.

I forced the thoughts from my head as I made my way to the guest bedroom.

Bang Chan's POV

Solar slowly opened the door, pressing a finger to her lips in a signal to be quiet. I tip-toed into the living room and saw Chae-sul asleep on the couch. It had been a few weeks since I first brought her here, and she seemed to had made herself quite at home.

"She fell asleep while we were watching a movie," Solar whispered as she walked passed me to sit in her chair.

"Well, I guess that makes this that much easier."


"I have to go back home tonight. My mom's sick. I was actually coming to say goodbye before heading to the airport." I sat on the floor in front of the couch, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "Maybe it's better if she doesn't have to see me leave."

"You really do love her, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do." I could feel tears forming behind my eyes as I gently kissed her forehead. "I have your number, I'll call when I get home." Before I could second-guess myself, I left.

Chae-sul's POV

I heard a small knock on the door, pulling me from my sleep. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep.

"She fell asleep while we were watching a movie," I heard Solar whisper.

"Well, I guess that makes this that much easier." I recognized Chan's voice.

"What?" She asked, speaking the same question that was on my mind.

"I have to go back home tonight. My mom's sick. I was actually coming to say goodbye before heading to the airport." I heard someone sit on the floor in front of me, then brush a strand of hair out of mt face. "Maybe it's better if she doesn't have to see me leave."

"You really do love her, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do." He paused for a moment, then I felt a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I have your number, I'll call when I get home."

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