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Chae-sul's POV

"Ok, I wasn't going to say anything but it has been literally months." I knew Solar, and I knew she was about to lecture me. "You literally have not left the apartment, barely do the bare minimum to take care of yourself, and keep telling me you're fine, that you're just tired, when you sleep all the time." I looked up at her, tears in my eyes.

"Why does it hurt so bad?" It was the first thing I had said in days. She sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I know, you've been abandoned by your best friend. Again." I shook my head.

"No, he was different. The feelings I had around him and the feelings I have around you are completely different. I don't know how to explain it, but it was something other that friendship that I felt towards him."

"Ok, I think I know what it is."


"It's obvious that you're in love with him. And I know it hurts now, but you have to remember that he will come back. We don't know when, but he will." I nodded.

"It still hurts, knowing that he's not here." She squeezed my shoulders.

"I know. But you shouldn't be laying here, sulking on the couch." We were interrupted by a knock on the door. My heart pounded with hope as she opened the door, but was disappointed to see a man in a suit.

"Is Park Chae-sul here?" Oh no. I just knew he was here to take me back to Jin-young.

"Is this about the Ahn Jihya case?" Ahn Jihya?

"Yes ma'am."

"Then yes, she is here. Chae, this nice man needs to speak with you. Come in, sir." He came in and sat on the couch a comfortable distance from me.

"Miss Park-"

"Chae-sul. Just Chae-sul."

"Um, ok. Chae-sul, does the name Kim Jihya have any meaning to you?" That was the same question Chan had asked me months ago.

"Um, it sounds really familiar. But other than that, no." He wrote something down on his notepad.

"Ok. How about the names Ahn Ara and Kim Sung-ho?"

"They also sound extremely familiar, but other than that, no." He wrote on his notepad again.

"Can you tell me when you met Park Jin-young?" What was this?

"I was too young to remember, but he always said my parents abandoned me at his doorstep when I was a baby and he adopted me." He wrote on his notepad again.

"Did he ever show you proof of your adoption?"

"No." More writing on the notepad.

"Thank you," he said, getting up to leave.

"May I ask what this is about?" He opened his mouth to speak, but Solar interrupted him.

"Thank you, Detective, but I will take this from here." She ushered him out the door.

"Solar, what's going on?"

"Chae, you know I love you, right?"


"Um, Jin-young is under an investigation due to something Bang Chan may have told the police."


"I-I've said too much." She turned to go back to her bedroom, but I grabbed her arm and forced her to turn around.

"Solar. What the hell is going on."

"I'm not supposed to tell you."

"Where is Chan?" I demanded.

"He- he's safe. That's all I'm allowed to tell you. But judging by the fact that the detective came to talk to you I'd see he'll be back soon."

"Solar, please."

"I can't tell you any more. I've already told you enough." We stood there for a minute, but I eventually gave up.

"Fine," I huffed, plopping back down on the couch.

Bang Chan's POV

"I am losing my damn mind here." I was pacing across the small living room, running my hands through my hair. I literally felt like I was going crazy.

"Why don't you go for a walk, get some fresh air?" Ara suggested.

"If I walk out that door, I'm going back to Seoul."

"Then go in the backyard." The phone rang. I rushed to pick it up.


"Christopher, this is Officer Choi from the Seoul police department. Park Jin-young is now in police custody. We are sending a car for you and Miss Ahn now." I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders as he hung the phone up.

"Who was that?" Ara asked.

"Seoul police department. We're going home."

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