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Reign's POV

"Reign!" Chan called from the front door. "We're going to be late!" We were meeting with my mother today. My father had already flown back to Japan, after a tearful good-bye.

"I'm coming," I answered, grabbing my backpack. I found purses much too... I don't know, I just didn't like them.

"I don't want to keep her waiting for too long again."

"I was turning in assignments. Ara will understand." One of my favorite things about my parent, my real parents, was that they didn't force me to call them Eomma and Appa. They wanted me to call them whatever I felt comfortable with. Mr. Kim and Mrs. Ahn felt too formal, so I just called them by their first names.

When we finally reached the restaurant, I was so nervous my hands were shaking. It had been months since the trial (Jin-young was found guilty on all charges) and all the paperwork, including adoption papers that legally changed my name to Kim Reign, had been finished. I was now finally able to formally meet my mother.

When we reached the door, I froze. I was about to turn around and walk away when I felt Chan's hand grab mine. I looked up into his eyes.

"Don't worry, she loves you."

"But what if she doesn't like me?"

"Who couldn't like you?" He kissed my forehead, making me blush.

So on we went, toward the first step of my new life.

Soooo..... I have to turn in my school chromebook on Monday and my mom uses her laptop for work now sooo.... yeah you might not get any new stories until August.

Sorry loves💜

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