That's the Tea Sis

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"Chae-sul," Solar whisper shouted from across the room. "Talk to him!"

"No." I crossed my arms and continued to stare straight at the TV.

"Come on, you can't ignore him forever."

"I can and I will."

"Suuuu," she whined.

"Fine. I'll talk to him when he comes back and apologizes in person."

"You are so difficult." She continued to talk to on the phone for a minute before hanging up and sitting next to me. "Su, just talk to him."


"Why are you being so stubborn?"

"Because he just left! He didn't say goodbye, didn't even tell me he was leaving. Why would he do that?"

"He didn't want you to have to watch him leave. He thought he was doing the right thing."

"Well it wasn't the right thing."

"Can't you give him some credit for trying?" She asked rhetorically as she stormed off to her room. She was right, though. I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him, not while him leaving still hurt.

Bang Chan's POV

"Did she finally talk to you?" Felix asked on the other end of the phone.

"No, she's still upset. I can't believe I was so stupid, just leaving like that."

"You did what you thought was right. Don't worry, she'll come around eventually."

"I hope so."

"And if she doesn't, then when you come back you could bring her flowers and profess your love for her. She'll have to forgive you then." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I gotta go."


I took a breath of fresh air as I finally stepped out of the airport, hailing a cab. I had to go back to the school, since it was already Sunday evening. That meant it would be another week until I could go see Chae-sul. I put my suitcase in the trunk and was about to get in when I saw someone who looked very familiar. I tried to shake the feeling off, but I couldn't.

"Excuse me," I addressed the driver. "Could you give me a moment?" He simply nodded, and I made my way over to the woman. "Excuse me, but you look like someone I know. Have we met?"

"Um, I don't think we've ever me. But I was on a lot of news stations many years ago looking for my daughter. Though i don't think you could be much older than her, so you wouldn't remember me."

"I don't know, you seem really familiar." I thought for a moment, still not quite able to place her. An idea popped into my head. "Do you happen to have a picture of your daughter?" She dropped her head as if ashamed, then reached into her briefcase and pulled out a missing flyer with a picture of a small girl on it, along with the woman's name and phone number. Ahn Ara. "Well, if I figure out why you seem so familiar, I'll give you a call."

"I'll be looking forward to it."


I laid in my bed, staring at the picture. The little girl felt just as familiar as the woman. Actually, I felt as if I actually knew this girl. I set the flyer down. I had all week trying to figure out how I knew these people. I was just thankful that tomorrow was Friday and I could go see Chae-sul after dinner.


"Dude, what is that?" Felix asked, finally addressing the flyer. "You've been staring at it all week."

"I got it from a woman I met at the airport when I got back Sunday. She looked so familiar, and I swear I know this girl."

"Let me see." I handed him the flyer.

"She went missing sixteen years ago, so I have no idea how I would know her."

"Hm. If you think about it, she kind of looks like a younger Chae-sul."

"What?" I took the flyer back and looked at it again. He was right. Then it clicked, why that woman looked so familiar. Ahn Ara looked just like an older version of Chae-sul.

"Speaking of Chae-sul," Changbin spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. "Are you going to go see her tonight?"

"Um, yeah. Why?"

"Has she forgiven you yet?"

"No, that's why I'm going to see her." The bell rang, dismissing us for the weekend. I grabbed my things and rushed to leave. "I'll see you guys later."

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