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I sighed, flopping onto the bed. I needed to be more careful. I was letting my heart get in the way of rational thinking. I had been upset about Solar's intrusion earlier, but I was thankful for it now. I couldn't tell her, not while the case was still open.

No one's POV

"Your honor, before the results of yesterday's paternity tests, the jury would like to add additional charges against Park Jin-young."

"What charges could you possibly add to my client?"

"In addition to the kidnapping charges, the jury Mr. Park will be charged with child abuse, statutory rape and sexual harassment involving minors."

"This is outrageous!" Mr. Park stood up so fast he knocked his chair back. He slammed his fist into the table as he stormed down the aisle, stopping when he saw Chan and Chae-sul. "You!" he growled, pointing his finger as he stomped toward them. Chae-sul stood and backed away, Chan stepping in front of her protectively. "You will pay for this, both of you!" And he stormed out of the court room.

"Officers, please place him in holding," the judge called. "I'm calling a recess, we'll proceed at eleven."

Chae-sul/Jihya's POV

I pushed my food around my plate, my appetite nonexistent. If Chan noticed, he didn't say anything. In fact, he seemed really quiet, and had barely eaten anything.

"Sorry I missed this morning's session," Solar joined us at the table. "So, what did I miss?"

"The results weren't read,"I muttered. "The jury added more charges to the case." I blinked back tears. The way he yelled at me today reminded me of when I still lived with him, and it scared me. A lot.

"Ugh, that means this trial is going to be so much longer."

"And you'll have to testify again," Chan added.

"Nooooo," she laid her head on the table. "Ugh, that means their going to say my real name again."

"Do you really hate your name that much?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah." She sat up. "It doesn't suit me, the only reason my parents named me that is because it was my grandma's name."

"Do you think I should change my name?" I blurted out.

"What do you mean?" Solar asked.

"Well, you changed your name because it doesn't suit you. And I don't like the name Jin-young gave me because, well, he gave it to me. But I want to use a new name just because it's my legal name."

"I think it's a great idea," Chan chirped in. "Solar, how did you pick your name?"

"Well, I started thinking of things that I liked and went from there. I really like the sun, so I started thinking of words involving the sun that would sound good as a name."

"Ok," I started. "Well, I like storms."

"Storms?" Chan asked.

"Well, when it's raining, I feel like I'm not crying alone. It's almost as if the sky is crying with me."

"Well that's a place to start," Solar said. "Um, what about Rain? That sounds cool."

"Yeah," Chan answered. "But spell it R-E-I-G-N, it seems more powerful."

"Ok then," I said. "My new name is Reign." I smiled. It felt like me, and it felt good.

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