Shoulder Pain

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Chae-sul's POV

"You only pulled a muscle, it should heal in a few days. Just massage this where it hurts and it will relax the muscle enough to speed up the process a bit while helping with the pain." The doctor handed me a small canister of a cream. "As for the bruises, ice them about three times a day and you'll be good." I signed what I needed to and we left. It was silent on the way back, until he turned off the road back to the school.

"This isn't the way back."

"We're not going back."

"What? I have to get back before Jin-young locks the door."

"You're not going back there. I won't allow it."

"And who are you, my father?"

"No, and neither is he."

"No, but I have nowhere else to go. You wouldn't understand, you have a family to go back to."

"You're right, I wouldn't understand. But I do understand that he hurts you." I didn't know what else to say. I knew he would find out soon enough, but I didn't want it to be like this. He drove to a hotel and got a room with two beds.

"I'm taking a shower," I stated when we got to the room. I turned the water on as hot as I could stand it. As soon as I stepped in the shower, I broke down. I sat down, hugging my knees to my chest and silently sobbing. My shoulder was killing me, and so was pretending it wasn't. Finally, I gave up. I turned the water off, quickly dried my hair, and threw on one of the robes supplied by the hotel.

"Chan?" I called softly, inching into the room. I knew he would start to worry when he saw how puffy my eyes were from crying. Sure enough, when he looked up at me, a look of concern crossed his face.

"What do you need?" he asked, trying to hide his worry. It seemed he was having just as much trouble staying mad at me as I was with him. I pulled the robe tighter around my chest.

"My shoulder hurts. Can you rub that cream on it?" He nodded, grabbing the cream off the nightstand as I sat on the bed in front of him. I pulled my hair over my right shoulder and pulled the robe off the left, still holding it around my chest.

I wanted to relax at the familiarity of his touch as he massaged the cream into my shoulder, but instead felt my whole body tense in pain. I just prayed my shoulder wouldn't take too long to heal.

Bang Chan's POV

I started massaging the cream into her shoulder, trying not to press too hard on the area that bothered her most. I knew I should press harder, but I just couldn't stand her being in pain.

Suddenly, she jolted forward as she cried out in pain. Without thinking, I gently grabbed her arm. I froze for a moment when her hand flew to my wrist, gripping tightly in need for comfort. I broke. I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. She sank into me as she cried, and I just held her until she fell asleep.

Short chapter, sorry.

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