Chapter Eight

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Luna POV

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Luna POV

It was so dark, obviously it was night time. I felt sick and dirty. My stomach growled from hunger and my throat was so dry. I coughed before I heard quiet foot steps coming towards the cell I was in.

I got scared and started feeling dizzy, I could have collapsed any second if it was Hongbin but It wasn't! A guy walked quietly to me and whispered:

"Hey! are you okay!?" He asked and all I could do was moan in pain and cry.

"It's okay, I'll get you out of here! Stay strong okay!" He whispered again and I nodded.

I couldn't see him clearly because of the darkness but all I was hoping for is to easily get out of here.

I waited for few minutes in the darkness. It was so quiet, only my heavy breathing could be heard.

I almost lost hope on the guy who came to help me escape but I heard him again!

"Hey! hang in there! I'll try to find a way to get you out of here soon. Don't worry, you'll be fine" He said softly and tried to comfort me and again all i did was nod my head slowly and let out a whisper:

"Please! help me out. I can't anymore..." I let more tears run out down my cheeks. I felt hot and cold at the same time.

"Hang in there! I'll be back soon" He  promised and went away searching for whatever he was searching for. All I cared for is to get out of here alive.

Taeyang POV

Oh god, who ever did this to her is going to cry for his mom when his punishment comes. I'll make sure of that. I thought as anger kept rising every time i looked at Luna. She looked so hurt and it pained me a lot.

I searched for a second for something to open the cell and I immediately thought of the keys that I stole from that guy from earlier.

I nervously grabbed the chain of keys and started trying one by one until it opened and i quickly went towards her. She looked like she was about to collapse. Heavy breathing, eyes closed, head back against the wall. Her jaw was sharp because obviously she lost weight.

Her neck looked red under the chain, so i gently removed them causing her to hiss at the pain.

"I'm sorry! You'll be fine. Here, let me help you" I removed the other chains of her wrists while comforting her.

I helped her stand up but i was quick because she almost fell again. I supported her body with my arms around her small waist and her left arm around my shoulder as we slowly walked out of the cell.

Finally, i could see her face brightly since there was a little light out there. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her concernedly.

"Hmm" She couldn't talk, she just hummed with her head hanging low.

I stopped and went in front of her and bent down.

"Get on my back" I demanded.

"No- " 

"Come on, we have to get out of here faster" I cut her off and she slowly adjusted her dress and hop on my back.

It was a lot easier escaping with a piggyback even with her uncomfortable dress, but we managed to get out to the halls.

I started getting more nervous. What if I meet them now? What if they block my way? I thought and i couldn't come up with a better plan.

 I stopped on my track when I heard a voice coming from behind us:

"Wow! what a brave man!" He acted like he was surprised and laughed.

My heart dropped when I felt Luna tighten her grip on my shoulder and let out a whimper. She was traumatized. I wanted to drop her and go take off his head from its place. I was never angry this much in my life, but this jerk was getting on my nerves!

"Please save me" She whispered in my ear with her almost fading voice.

"Is she okay? Do you need help?" He asked while taking few steps toward us.

"Stop right where you are!" I shouted at him which made him freeze.

"Okay calm down brother...I was just being nice by offering a help" He raised his hands in front of him.

I dropped Luna and she stood up with all her strength. She looked really mad at the man. I mean of course.

"Huh!? brother my ass. You will make me a nice help if you get out of my face right now" I shouted at him again. That time i was ready to fight him.

"STOP IT!!!" Luna screamed at the both of us. Honestly, I was surprised how did she manage to let her voice out! We turned to her and she glared at the man.

"Seems like our princess did not like us arguing" He smirked.

"HONGBIN, STOP IT OR I'LL END MY LIFE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! I'M DONE WITH YOUR GAMES!!!!" She shouted loudly spitting all the hate and anger on Hongbin, but...she was way to serious because she grabbed a sharp piece of a broken mirror that was thrown on the floor and pointed at her heart.

My eyes widened and my heart started beating faster. One wrong move and she'll hurt herself! I can't let that happen!

In the other hand, Hongbin was questioning if what he had heard was right or he was hallucinating. He looked terrified! The thought of Luna hurting herself was  making him go crazy but stood speechlessly.

He regretted everything he did to her. He never imagined that she could go this far.

"No, Luna I-..." He tried to say something to her but she cut him off.

"I can't take this anymore" She let out with a very low tone. 

And what was unexpected happened!

"Luna NOOOO..." I yelled.


To Be Continued...


I hope you like this chap & sorry but I don't have much time to write faster! anyways enjoy!

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