Chapter Five

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I changed the book cover!

Taeyang woke up before the sun rise, he wore the same clothes he came with yesterday and sneaked out the door. 

He walked out slowly without making any kind of noise but he stopped when he saw the guards at the big front door.

He went back to his room quietly and opened the window, but he hesitated for a second and thought. 

Am I doing the right thing? What about my parents? What will they think of me now? So many thoughts were in Taeyang's mind.

He kinda felt guilty, so he left a note to his parent and and stick it on the bed post. I deeply apologize for what I am doing but remember that I love you and i'm doing this for a reason.

He looked at Luna's picture one last time before he said:

"I will find you no matter what" 

And after that, he jumped out the window and ran through the trees and grass, heading to the forest.

He walked for half an hour and the sun started shining brightly so it made everything clear.

He walked beside the river and suddenly, something caught his eyes. It was a necklace. The same necklace as the little girl's. He bent down on the floor and picked it up.

He then remembered what the girl said about it and he knew that it belongs to Luna.

He put it in his pocket and continued walking. After few minutes he caught something again. A small thing was shining on the floor under the leaves of the trees.

It was just one of a pair of gold earrings. He picked it up and continued walking the same way.

Then, he found the other pair of earrings. He thought about something for a moment which made him automatically smile.

She's smart! He thought. Because that's the truth. She is a very clever princess and she is the one who made these hint so that the could find her easily.

On the other side. The King Yoo was mad about his son.

"How could he do that to us?" He said disappointingly.

"Calm down first. Maybe he had a strong reason to leave-" Said the Queen trying to defend her son.

"A strong reason? Like what?" The King was confused now. The Queen was going to reply to him but a guardian interrupted them.

"Your Majesty! The King Hyun needs to see you" He bowed deeply. After King Yoo entered  with his Queen, they sat with Luna's parents.

"Did you get any report about princess Luna?" Queen Yoo asked.

"They only found this" Her mother said in a broken voice. She showed her a silver ring and a small crown which obviously belongs to Luna.

She was so scared about her precious daughter. She never stopped thinking about her for a second.

Taeyang's mother felt sorry for her so she hugged her and comforted her saying that they'll find her and that she'll be safe.


Taeyang walked for 2 hours after taking few breaks. He kept his eyes on the floor and sometimes he looked back, just to make sure he wasn't being followed.

He started losing hope and thought about giving up but he never did. As he continued walking next to the river for more hours, he sighed and looked up.

He saw a huge half completed dark building. It looked like a hunted jail from the back but, when he walked to the front, it was well built but still dark. 

His curiosity pushed him inside. The place started to get cold and it was very silent as he walked looking everywhere around the place.

Suddenly, he heard a scream and cries coming from a far distance. He followed the sound as he was lost in this endless maze.

 He followed the sound as he was lost in this endless maze

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"NOOOOO! Don't! please don't hurt me, please!" Luna was crying and begging the man in front of her. He was holding a sword and he was hesitating to do what he was told to do.

Luna was in a total mess. Her face looked tired with teary swollen eyes and she had few cuts and wounds in her face and body, one in her left cheek and a chain around her bloody neck and cuffs in her wrists.

The man was going to hurt her again but a voice stopped him from doing anything.

"Stop!" A deep voice saved her from him but once she opened her eyes she regretted opening them. It was the devil himself, he was standing at the iron door with two big men beside him.

"Hongbin please stop! you're hurting me! you said you wouldn't...please If you want me this much then why are you slowly killing me!?" Luna screamed at him for what he was doing to her.

"No baby girl i'm doing this for us. I can't take back what I said." He said calmly as ever.

"What do you mean by us!? We are nothing and we will never be!" She shouted at him again.

At this point Hongbin got really mad and didn't know what to do so he walked closer to her.

"How are you so sure?!" He smirked.

"I prefer death than the fact of me being with you" She said with gritted teeth. His smirk faded and without thinking he slapped her hard with the back of his hand which made her pass out.


Taeyang was walking fast after the few loud shouts and screams but then he remembered that he had no weapon or something to defend himself and save her.

He slowed his steps after he heard something behind him, and when he turned he faced a guy who was smiling like a creep.


With that Taeyang vision got blurred after he felt a sharp pain behind his neck.







To Be Continued...


Hi!! I'll write another chapter and publish it if this book reach 100 readers!


Love u Fantasy ♥

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