The Hound And The Moth

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Riff is seen sitting on top of the hotel building, feet dangling over the edge, in deep thought with his hands in his face, hiding his expression.

"Riff. Is that you?" a voice says behind him, he turns to see vaggie looking at him curiously "What are you doing up here"

He shrugs "just needed a place to think" he leans back with his arms on the floor behind him, keeping him stable "what about you"

Vaggie sits on the edge as well, a few feet next to him "I come up here alot. Like if I need some time to myself or if I need to calm down when angel irritates the hell out of me. Or on the rare occasion if me and Charlie are fighting"

Riff looks to her quizzicaly "you two fight" he let's out a small chuckle "you two look like you barely bicker"

Vaggie interlocks her fingers "Well contrary to popular belief, we do sometimes get into disputes"

Riff then reaches into the inside of his jacket and pulls out a silver hip-flask and takes a swig from it while staring into the city with vaggie giving him a disappointed/concerned look.

"Do you really have to drink so often?" she asks.

Riff looks at her without moving his head "vaggie there is only one thing that can help me forget about 'them'. That being the miracle of man, booze. Now if you want to judge me for trying to forget about my past life as a pitiful, weak excuse of a male I wont give one shit. I've changed for the better, no one is ever taking advantage of me 'again'"

It took him a couple of seconds to realise. He fucked up, cursing himself for letting that last part slip under his radar he continues to look ahead and drink, hopping that vaggie didn't think too much about his slight confession.




"Riff. What 'exactly' started your years of sin?" vaggie looks at him with a look that said "just try and tell a lie"





Without another word. Riff leaned towards vaggie and whispered softly into vaggies ear.





"I guess it really does take one to know one huh... Vagatha" and with that he got up and walked back to the entrance back into the hotel but not before slightly turning his dead to face her and say "Charlie didn't tell me but I can tell. For what it's worth I'm sorry. And I trust you'll keep this to yourself. The last thing the others need to know is that I lost my virginity at nine"

And with that he left a horrified vaggie who sat there trying to put together everything about that event and place them in her mind like the worlds most confusing and fucked up jigsaw puzzle.

".....he's like me....." vaggie had truly now understood Lucifers wording.

'one day a hellhound would manifest in hell who was once a soul who knew nothing but pure torture and torment'

After that vaggie sat their, overwhelmed with too many emotions fighting for her attention, so she did the one thing she hasn't ever done for a man.

She cried.

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