New Home

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Riff is in his new room provided to him by Charlie. It was a square shaped room with red walls, black carpet, a double bed with dark red sheets and white pillows, a night stand with a lamp, alarm clock and a room service phone, a closet and a TV on a small table.

"Well guess I should head down and see what's what" He says.

He goes down to the main lobby and sees Angel sitting on a couch; bored, nifty whizzing about everywhere cleaning and husk drinking a bottle of booze behind the bar.

Riff goes over to the bar, sits on a stool and says "Hey Husk"

Husk turns to him and says "Hey kid. Wait what's your name anyway"

"You can call me Riff" Riff says.

"Alright what can I do for ya?'" Husk asks turning his attention away from the bottle and to Riff.

"Can I trouble you for some bourbon in a glass with some ice" Riff says.

Husks stares at Riff surprised and shocked "hold up kid, you drink bourbon?"

"Drink it, love it, hate it. Like every healthy relationship. So am I getting served ooor?" Riff says signalling to the bottles behind Husk.

Husk shrugs and goes behind him and grabs Riff's requested drink and pours it in a glass with some ice and gives it to him.

"So is that the hair of the dog" Husk says to Lincoln with a small smirk making Lincoln slowly chuckle then reply.

"I guess it is. Your funny Husk. To me that makes you one of the good ones"

Riff takes a long sip of his bourbon savearing the sharp yet familiar taste of his favourite drink. Unknown to him Angel was watching and listening to the whole conversation and is understandably shocked.

"Hold on Riff's a drinker. I Didn't expect that" angel says, going back to being bored but starts to think of what more he'll find out about his new friend.

Charlie and vaggie then walk into the lobby and Charlie spots Riff so she goes over to him with vaggie following suit.

"Hey Riff is it Alright if we do the interview proce-wait are you drinking alcohol!?" she says noticing the glass in his hand.

Riff turns to her and says "well yea is there a problem with that" raising an eyebrow.

"Well no theres no law about underage drinking here but I'm still surprised that you drink" she says while vaggie looks over to angel and glares at him accusingly.

"Did you dare him to do it!?" vaggie demands.

"Wait, what, no I'm just as surprised as you are!" Angel says sticking his hands up.

"Vaggie lay of him, I drink under my own will. Besides I-phhh grrrr" Lincoln stop moving about in his seat looking in pain.

Charlie goes over to him showing concern "Riff what's wrong. Are you okay?"

"Dammit its my back. Ever since I got here it's been hurting like a bitch!" He answer's annoyed, getting out of his seat.

Angel goes over to Riff, looks behind him and sees something white and furry peeking out of his Jean's so he grabs it and pulls out causing a long white fluffy tail to pop out smacking him in the face.

"Oh fuck!?" Angel says as he stumbles back causing everyone to turn to him and notice the tail shocking everyone except Husk.

"I've got a tail?" Riff says trying to turn around and get a better look at it but it keeps flying out of his reach making him going around in circles making everybody laugh.

Riff eyes widen and he stops "please tell me I didn't just do that. PLEASE tell me I didn't just chase my own tail!?" he asks desperately.

"Yea' ya' did and it was both hilarious and adorable" Angel says slinging his arms over Riff's shoulder and Pat's his head making him shuffle uncontrollably.

"Thought so but all jokes aside I have a tail" Riff says still suprised.

"Well of course you do my boy, you are a hellhound after all" a familiar radio voice makes everybody turn to see alastor walking towards them

"A what?" Riff says confused.

"A hellhound son. They are considered one of the lowest-ranking tier of the hierarchy system, well along with imps of course. They are known to resemble dogs and wolves with claws and teeth so sharp and deadly that they rival even one of vaggie here's spears" alastor explaines, summoning one of vaggies spears and poking his finger on the tip.

"Hey!" vaggie says going over to him and snatching her spear back and going back over to Charlie while inspecting the spear to see if alastor had done anything to it.

"Yea well he's definitely got those I mean you shoulda' seen him taking on those Egg Bois with me and cherri yesterday, kids got skill" Angel says patting Riff on the shoulder, once again making him shift uncomfortably.

Charlie and vaggie look over to them surprised "wait Riff was in the turf war too?" Charlie says

"You bet he was. Us and Cherri kicked a whole lot of ass" Angel says proudly.

"Ok lets not talk about that. Come on Charlie let's get this interview process over with" Riff says going over to Charlie and vaggie and then they walk into Charlie's office.

After the interview Riff walks out and starts walking towards the exit but is stopped by Angel.

"Hold up Riff were do ya' think you're going" angel asks.

"I'm going out to explore since I haven't seen much of hell yet" Riff says casually.

"Umm I don't think that's a good idea. Out there the larger population that's pretty much assholes and they might try and... do things with you" Angel says putting a hand on Riffs shoulder making him wince once more.

"What are you thinking angel, I'm not competent enough to avoid a scetchy motherfucking pedophile In a dark alley or sick rapists looking to get their traps full or some shit" Riff says rolling his eyes making Angel grab his own arm while avoiding Riffs gaze.

"Look I get it, I'm the new guy and most of you probably dont think I'm all that mature. But I am. I won't get into specifics but ive seen almost every strange, sick, perverted, disgusting and fucked up thing the real world had to offer when I was alive. So I know better and besides you know I can defend myself, that's what these are for"

Riff says holding out his hand showing his sharp nails. Angel sighs and steps aside.

"Alright Riff I trust you but be careful and please come back safe. If anything happened to you I doubt Charlie and vaggie would be to pleased" angel says.

"Thanks Angle. Dont worry ill be back in a while see ya'" Riff says and walks out of the building leaving Angel to stand there before saying "be safe out there kid"

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