What Happened

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Riff walks into the hotel and looks to see nobody around, going into his pocket and taking out his phone he looks at the time.

'Shit, past midnight. Did we really take that long' Riff thinks while walking up the stairs. Making his way through the hallway he gets stopped by a strange sound.


"Hello?" Riff looks around and then fells something tapping his foot. Looking down he sees a small pig creature with a dark pink patch on its left eye, black and dark pink spots all over its body and has a spiked tip on its tail. It looks up at him and tilts it's head.

"Huh. Well aren't you a cute little unholy demon of hell" Riff kneels down and slowly brings his hand to its head, it replies by sniffing his hand then leaning into his touch.

"Oink, oink" the small pig then turns around and waddles into a partly open door.

Looking around Riff decides to follow the mysterious creature into the room. Peeking in he sees it's a guest room but completely trashed. Clothes strewn around the place, trash on the floors and scattered around the room enough demonic sex toys to fuck any normal human being up for life.

'What the shit' Riff mouths in horror before looking at the bed. A mess of sheets skimpy clothing and under all of that is a mound, quietly rising then falling.

Sneaking into the room and  slowly navigating his way through the disgusting floor he sees, near the rooms desk there is a pet bowl with the name "Fat Nuggets" on it"

"Fat nuggets, hmm. Fitting" he whispers, looking down at the the little pig whose standing at the side of the bed. When he gets to the bed he looks down at the bed, grabs the sheets and with one yank, the sheets come off and Riff sees what's lying in the bed.

Lying there, whimpering and crying is Angel dust.

"Angel!?" Riff's jaw hangs open in shock but quickly closses it when he notices something different about the weeping porn star. On his forehead there's a cut, bleeding slightly, bruises on his arms and check and finally a blackeye.

"Holy shit angel!" leaning in he inspects his injuries but angel quickly opens his eyes.

"R-R-Riff. Wha... shit" angel tries to quickly get up but screams in pain.

"Angel!" Riff sits down on the bed beside him. "Angel. Who did this to you"

"It's nothin' Riff really I jus-" he gets cut of by Riff grabbing his shoulder and makes him face his fellow demon who has an expression of confusion and rage.

"Angel. Who. Did. This. To you" his tone left no room for argumen and his red eyes slowly started getting more bright but he quickly blinks it away and focuses on angel again. With a new concerned expression he asks "Angel please"

Angel looks at his friend and with one deap breath he starts. "M-m-my boss V-V-Valentino he runs the most popular porn studios in hell. H-he has me u-under c-c-contract. I hafta do whateva' he says. S-sometimes he gets a-a-angry and he... h-he"

Angel can't keep up what's left of his composure and goes back to balling his eyes out. He then feels a pair of arms wrap around him. Opening his eyes he sees Riff with his arms wrapped around him.

"I know how you feel. W-When I got thrown out, this... lady, She... she t-took my i-i-innocence" Angel looks up at the hellhound in shock and disbelief.

"W-well any innocence that was left after what... 'they' did to me" Riff laughs at his own attempt to lighten the mood but quickly went back to comforting his freind. "Im sorry about what happened to you. I guess I was too busy bitching about 'my' life and shit that I forgot you've been here longer than me and you probably had a shitty human life too"

Riff slowly but gently lifts Angel so he's siting on the bed then places his hand on his shoulder and looks up at Angel, the height difference obvious but not distracting.

"If you ever have a problem or you just need someone to talk to, look for me alright... that's what friends are for, right" Angel looks at his friend and then shows a small smile. Moving forward he wraps his arms multiple arms around his young friend, tears of joy now dripping down his face.

"Oink oink" They separate and look down at Fat Nuggets who quietly made his way on top of the bed and in between the two of them.

"Nuggs" Angel chirps, picking up the pig and hugging him, Fat Nuggets returning the affection by liking one of Angel's wounds. "It's alright Nuggs. Daddy's fine, just a little fucked up"

Riff then gets out of the bed and faces Angel before asking "so. Will you be alright with, yknow" gesturing to Angel's wounds.

"Ay don' worry 'bout that, I've had worse, believe me" he gives Riff a double thumbs-up, with the other pair still holding his pet.

Riff grimaces, thinking of how many times his spider friend must have been through this same thing, without someone to comfort him.

"Well I guess that's me. I'll see you tomorrow Angel" Riff says walking out of Angel's room, who snaps his fingers at him in return. "Yep. Night wolfie hehe" Riff gives a deadpan in return before he exits into the hallway and goes to his room to rest. But not before thinking of Angel's predicament.

'So Valentino hmm. I guess I'll have to pay this guy a visit sometime. You fuck with my friends I fuck with you back'

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