Taking It Easy

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Riff and the crew are in the hotel looking at Charlie as she is suggesting something.

"Ok you guys I have an idea, It'll probably help us get a little better acquainted. You know walk a mile in each others shoes as they say. Sooo wady'a say" she says.

Time Skip

"Well don't we look barely half decent today" alastor says as he and everyone else is dressed in Charlie's outfit.

"Not bad ya'self smiles" angel says seductively with one arm resting on alastors shoulder while the other pair are pulling at his suspenders.

"Its not straight" nifty says trying to fiddle with Husks bowtie, to his annoyance.

"Its fuckin' fine" he says trying to push nifty away from him.

Charlie is looking at everyone in her outfit and is gushing and trying to hold in her squealing with hearts in her eyes and hearts and sparkles around her.

"Oh my gosh Vaggie look at this~" she squeaks with her hands pushing on her cheeks while vaggie is trying to calm her down. "Hehe ease up on the sparkles hun"

Riff is also dressed like Charlie and is observing himself. "Huh, never been in anything formal before. I do feel kinda slick actually"

Time Skip

This time everyone is dressed like vaggie and angel is impersonating her current self, folding both pairs of arms, slouching and putting on half a frown. Half because he is smiling on the other side while him, Charlie and Riff are trying to hold in their laughter.

"Don't encourage him you two" vaggie says looking obviously angry.

Riff is fighting tears of laughter and says "I could watch this forever"

"Why my dear husker... dont you look positively darling" alastor says leaning over Husk and pinching his cheek while nifty is looking over alastors shoulder and smiling and says "Yea Husk you really pull off that bow"

"I swear you don't get the fuck off me I swear to god" Husk groans.

Time Skip

Now everyone is dressed like Alastor and he is looking down on vaggie with their faces inches from each other while holding her chin up with his cane.

"Don't forget to smile my dear" he says grinning at her.

"We'll see who's smiling once I shove my foot up your ass" she growls while rolling up one of her sleeves.

While their doing that, nifty is on alastors back looming over Charlie giving her a good impression of alastors signature smile witch is creeping Charlie the F out.

"Uh... hi. Why are you staring at me" she says trying to break eye contact with the cyclops but can't.

"Ohh Deary, I think she is trying to devour your soul" Lincoln says with a creepy, toothy smile, resting an arm on her shoulder causing her pupils to shrink.

"Damm Al, how do your tits breathe in this thing" angel says looking down at his outfit with discomfort, holding his covered chest.

"I don't think anything is supposed to breathe in this thing" says Husk showing physical discomfort as well.

Time Skip

The next outfit is niftys and right now Charlie and vaggie are dancing together, holding hands.

"Okay now into a spin" Charlie says while giggling and having the time of her life.

"Hehe you got it hon" vaggie says laughing while Charlie squeals even more.

"Well... not the worst thing I've ever worn" Husk says, holding the sides of the skirt.

"Ohh dear~ who turned on this pesky fan" angel says seductively while a fan blows up his skirt giving alastor and nifty clear view of what's underneath.

"Nifty shield your eyes" alastor says freaked out about what he is seeing while covering niftys eye.

"Al what are you doing, I'm twenty two"
Nifty asks confused about the radio demons action.

"Hmm not the weirdest thing I've worn" Riff says, feeling the material of the skirt.

Time Skip

This time everyone is dressed like angel dust and now both vaggie and Charlie are turned away from each other, both red as a tomato with Charlie looking to the floor, trying to keep the spot that exposes her cleavage shut and making incoherent noises while vaggie is looking back at her showing clear embarrassment, rubbing the back of her head and awkwardly laughing.

Nifty is between them both and is clearly confused "uh why are your faces all red" she asks.

Lincoln leans towards a flustered Charlie, arms crossed below his chest, purposely pushing up his fluffy man cleavage and says smugly "staring to regret the idea aren't we Charlie"

"Rockin' ya boob window their smiles" angel says, folding his upper pair of arms and pointing at alastors chest while the other is on his hip with the other pair.

"Excuse me, my WHAT!?" alastor says looking down at his exposed chest.

"How the hell do you gals walk in these fucking things" Husk says struggling with the tightness of the outfit.

Time Skip

"Huskykins... does this hat make my but look big?" angel says, checking out his ass and feeling it while leaning on Husk, shoving his cleavage into his cheek.

Charlie and vaggie are completely naked with Charlie hiding behind vaggie and using her hair to block her front.

"Okay maybe I should have thought this one through" she squirmes.

Meanwhile vaggie is covering her front with a cushion and yelling at alastor and nifty who are both wearing a Husk costume with nifty standing inside the Husk head that alastor is carrying.

"THAT'S FUCKING CHEATING" she yells with fury at the birth of them.

"Who... us" alastor says, his smirk widening and nifty giggling.

"Its times like these I'm thankfull I was reincarnated as a hellhound" says Lincoln who's doing his part helping, covering Charlie, with his fur covering anything he wouldn't want anyone to see.

"Uhh I'm to old for this" Husk groans, leaning his free cheek on one of his hands while Angel's cleavage is still in his face.

Time Skip

Now everyone is dressed like Lincoln so Charlie and vaggie are both looking over each other's clothes.

"Not something I'd wear on a daily basis but still its alright" vaggie says.

"Yea it does really look better on Riff" Charlie agrees.

"Well at least your not naked again, right" Riff says making them both blush furiously.

"To be honest I kinda wanted to try out this jacket before" angel says looking over his jacket.

"Well this certainly isn't my choice of clothing" alastor says inspecting himself while Nifty and Husk agree.

Time Skip

Everyone is back in their normal clothing and are talking amongst eachother until the sound of the front door opening caches their attention.

"Hello is this the happy hotel" a female horned demon asks.

"Uhhh yes, yes sit is" Charlie says going behind the main reception desk.

"Well I'm looking for a room and I'd like to sign up for your redemption program" she says.

"WAIT REALLY. Wait I mean yes of course just let me get the papers" Charlie says going under the desk to find them.

After the paperwork and introduction Charlie turns to everyone "you guys know what this means. WERE OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR BUSINESS!" she yells in excitement jumping up and down.

"Well I guess it's time to get to work" Riff says as he and everyone go to their positions now that they are now open and ready for service.

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