Meeting the Magne's

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Riff, Charlie and Vaggie are standing outside a humongous mansion at the front door talking to each other.

"Look Charlie are you sure there's nobody else who might know anything"
Riff asks hopefully.

Charlie shakes her head then knocks on the door and says "nope and besides they already expect us to visit sooooo"

The door then opens and they are greeted by a pale demon butler in a black tux who then says "Mistress Charlie, Miss Vaggie" he notices Riff
"Mister Hellhound I presume"

Riff replies with a nod "Guess I'll have to get used to the demon name" he mumbles under his breath.

"If you would kindly follow me to their majesty's" says the butler as he walks back into the house with the treo following.

As they made their way through the many halls Riff was once again amazed, he had never believed in his entire life that he would one day be walking through a mansion especially one as extravagant as this.

Charlie notices his entranced state and says "you like it Riff" snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Uhh yea, it's nice" he says trying to hide his amazement making Charlie giggle and vaggie chuckle a little.

"We are here" the butler says reaching the end of a hall were a dark red door is and then opens it stepping inside to walk into a large room with bookcases across every wall, a large fire place on the opposite wall from them with the same portrait with Charlie and her parents from the hotel hanging above and two tall red chairs in front of it and sitting on those two chairs are two demons having a conversation but then turn to notice the new arrivals and rise from their chairs and walk towards the four as the butler leaves.

"Charlie" the female demon says opening her arms causing Charlie to dive into them.

"Hey mom. How have you been" Charlie asks happily.

"Very well sweetie, very well" Charlie's mother says patting Charlie's head.

"Hello Charlie" the male demon says going to Charlie and wrapping his arms around her with her copying him.

"Hey dad" Charlie says slightly less peppy.

Vaggie walks up to the three and says "Mr and Mrs Magne it's good to see you two again"

Charlie's dad puts a hand on her shoulder and says "you as well vaggie but please its Lucifer and Lilith. No formalities when your dating our daughter"

The two then turn and finally notice Riff who gets a good view of the both of them.

Lucifer wears a white suit, black bowtie, and a red undershirt. He also wears a white hat, with a purple snake and red apple on the brim. He carries an apple-topped black cane that matches his hat. His eyes are yellow, with black pupils. He, like Charlie, has red cheeks. His eyelids are purple and give the appearance of eyeshadow.

Lilith is a tall woman, exceeding both her husband and daughter in height, with pale skin, long blonde hair, silverish eyes, a purple dress, white pearl necklace and has a pair of horns.

Lucifer shows a wide smile showing off his sharp teeth and says "well Charlie this must be the infamous hellhound on the news you have working for you. Riff was it"

Riff gathers every ounce of composure he has, walks up to Lucifer, looks up to him and says "at your service. An honor to finally meet you in person my lord"

"You know me" Lucifer says raising an eyebrow.

Lincoln shows a small smile and says "who in the darkest pits of hell does not know the great Lucifer Magne"

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