Possibly Stupid

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It has been a few months since Riff manifested in hell and he's been doing good with his afterlife along with bonding with his fellow demons in the Hazbin Hotel.

Charlie has been talking with him more, knowing what it's like to feel unappreciated by her father for her idea to rehabilitate sinners and they have sung a few duets for fun. But the more she was around him the more she could feel a connection with him, an urge to protect him and she could swear that she's seen a demon like him before, appearance wise but it could just be her own mind playing tricks on her.

Vaggie has gotten closer to Riff with the intention of helping him get over the incident witch triggered his "fall to sin" but he hasn't admitted anything else of the incident besides when it happened. But they still bonded over their love of combat. Vaggie values him as one of the only men she can trust.

Angel has probably bonded with Riff the most out of everyone at the hotel, being who he first opened up to. There are the few times were angel catches Riff staring blankly at a wall and asks what's he's doing but gets no answer.

Husk has gotten to know Riff better as a drinking buddy and has told him about his army days which Riff commends him for.

Nifty always tries looking for an excuse to hug him ever since she gave him that comforting hug, either because she wants him too know she cares about him or because of his soft fur.

Alastor still slightly creeps Riff out like everyone else but he's proven to be quite civil and treets Riff like a good friend but Riff still feels like he knows more about the prophecy than he's letting on.

Riff is walking through the hotel doing his job, guarding the place. But like every other day, nothing big happens. It's either some squatters hanging outside or those with the balls to vandalize the place. Brick in window, spray painting the walls, etc.

He looks at his phone and sees his work hours are almost up, then a message pops up.


Hey R wanna hang. Got some new weapons and shit 🍒💣


Fuck yea I'm in
🗡🐺🏹  💣👁💣

Riff put away his phone and started heading to the exit until someone approached him from the reception.

"Riff were are you going?" vaggie asks, hands one her hips.

"Going to hang with cherri" was all he said before going to the door.

"ella hará que te maten eventualmente" vaggie says with a shake of her head.

"No tienes mucha fe residual, verdad" he replies with a smirk causing vaggie to look at him, jaw dropped.

"nos vemos luego polilla enojada" Riff then exits the hotel.

Vaggie looks to the door and slowly shows a small smile "tu tambien... hijo"

On top of a large building cherri bomb is seen leaning on the edge, checking over an assault rifle.

"Sup cherri" she turns to see Riff climb onto the roof and make his way over to her.

"Hey Riff" she says with a toothy grin and playfully pinning his head, giving him a noogie which makes him try and get out of it.

"(Grunt) ok uncle, uncle" he says as cherri legs go and then goes to her large black bag. "Heads up" she then tosses him a gun. On closer inspection he sees it's a standard M16 rifle. He turns to see her loading an AK12.

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