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"Get your filthy junkie hands off my boyfriend!" Taehyung yelled, pulling a shaking Jeongguk into his arms. Jeongguk never did well when it came to yelling, Hoseok knew. 

"You're scaring him. Calm down, TaeTae," Hoseok tried to ease. Taehyung only let out a low growl and pulled Jeongguk closer to himself possessively. "Shut the fuck up. You... you fucking disgust me. Hoseok, you should just... you should... why won't you just drop fucking dead?! You do nothing but hurt us, Hoseok! Every performance, the crowd is silent for you! You're so... so weird! That's why our fans are ashamed of us! And now you've made Jungkook cry?! Hoseok, what the fuck?!"

The room was silent after that. 

"You should... you should just kill yourself, Hoseok."

Hoseok couldn't believe it. His own dongsaeng had said that. His own dongsaeng, whom he loved so unimaginably much, had just told him he should take his own life, something which he had considered many times before.

"Oh." was all he could say.

Yoongi was quick to pin Taehyung against the wall, his hand gripped tightly around his throat. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yelled, his knee colliding with Taehyung's gut.

Taehyung hunched over, only for yoongi to grip his hair, throwing him down onto the floor. The younger groaned softly, clutching his stomach as he tried to sit up. "Yoongi... don't defend this junkie..." he managed out, only to receive a kick to the face.

"This 'junkie' is fucking innocent. He was your fucking brother! Why would you choose some dumb rumours over him?!" Yoongi asked, straddling the taller's chest to slam his head onto the floor. "Why would you say such evil shit to him, Taehyung?!"

Taehyung was seeing stars, his head spinning before he eventually slipped into unconsciousness.

Jeongguk watched in shock horror, clutching Hoseok's shirt shakily. "H-hyung... Yoongi hyung stop..." the maknae begged, feeling Hoseok's arms wrap around him tightly.

Yoongi looked up at the horrified pair as he moved from Taehyung. "Hobi, this is what will happen when someone hurts you. I'm not gonna let the same thing that happened to her happen to you! I'm not gonna fucking lose you, Jung Hoseok!" Yoongi belched, stepping closer and closer to the younger males who remained frozen in place.

"H-hyung..." Hoseok spoke up, only for Yoongi to cut him off.
"Shut up."
"Good boy. Now... Jeongguk, it's past your bedtime, don't you think?" Yoongi spoke with a sickly sweet tone. Hoseok was now... scared of this man. 

Jeongguk opened his mouth to protest, but Yoongi's eyes pierced through any courage he had. His head hung in submission as he made his way over to Taehyung, helping him back to Jimin's room.

That left the room empty, aside from the two males whose eyes bore deep into one anothers'. It wasn't long before their lips collided in a rough, messy kiss. Hoseok's hands found themselves tangled in Yoongi's messy locks as he felt large hands grip his waist tightly. 

"Bedroom. Now."  Yoongi breathed into the kiss. Hoseok bit his lip as Yoongi's kisses trailed down his jawline all the way down to his neck, leaving a trail of dark, purple bruises in its wake. The pair stumbled towards Yoongi's bedroom in a blind haze of lust, the door slamming shut behind them, neither of the pair knowing just what horrors were yet to come.

Meanwhile... Jeongguk was already experiencing them. 

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