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Hoseok sighed, holding Yoongi's hand tightly as they neared their dorm. It was late now, close to midnight according to Yoongi's dying phone, so the streets were almost cleared of people. 

Hoseok yawned quietly, but Yoongi took notice and kneeled in front of him. 
"Hyung... Hyung, what?" he mumbled, giving the older boy a confused gaze. Yoongi just chuckled and smiled back at him. "Get on my back, Seok-ah. I'll carry you," he stated. 

Hoseok's face flushed a deep crimson as he stuttered out the first words that came into his mind. "But I- you're- we're- don't you think uh-"

Yoongi just let out a soft laugh and shook his head. "Sunshine. Get on. I won't ask you again."  Hoseok smiled warmly as he climbed onto the other's back, giggling softly at the grunt he let out as he rose to his feet. "Aish, Hobi. You're way too light. We should order a takeout!" 

Hoseok bit his lip nervously and shrugged. "But Hyung... I need to lose some weight. Takeouts aren't gonna help-"
"Oh nonsense, Seokie. You're perfect just the way you are. I'd even say that you're too light. So yes, we're getting takeout whether you like it or not," 

Hoseok smiled awkwardly as he pressed a light kiss to Yoongi's cheek as he began walking. "Hyung?"
"Why are you so nice to me?" 

Yoongi stopped for a moment and sighed. "Because I love you, Hoseok. I love you and I know you too well to know that you would never do what these rumours say. Okay?" 
"I really don't deserve you..."
"You deserve the world."

Hoseok just stayed silent after that, smiling as he basked in the sweet words of his Hyung. He really didn't know what he would do without him. 


Meanwhile, back at the dorms, tensions were high.

"He hit him, Jungkookie! That's not okay! We need to tell Bang PD of this-!" Taehyung whisper yelled, holding Jimin's small sleeping frame close to him. "But Jiminie brought it on himself... Yoonie hyung was clearly angry and Jiminie didn't back off when he was supposed to... besides.. what if Hoseok hyung is innocent?" 

Taehyung only groaned slightly and looked down at the dark purple bruise forming on Jimin's eye, as well as the few traces of dried blood. "He had no right to lay his hand on Jimin, regardless. And I have nothing to say about Hoseok,"

Jungkook sighed, hands going straight to his mouth as he bit on his nails, eyes filling to the brim with tears. There was never a time Jungkook wouldn't cry during an argument. But this time everything was just worse. Everything was too much for him.

His Jiminie was hurt, and he did nothing to help. His Taehyungie was mad at him for trying to be a voice of reason. Two of his hyungs have been missing for hours, he was the only one who even seemed to care. He could hear the voices of Namjoon and Seokjin going back and forth, yelling about the same situation. He hated it. He wanted it all to stop. Why couldn't everyone just be happy? And why couldn't he do anything? He felt useless. 

Taehyung noticed the boy's uneasiness and sighed. "Jungkook..." he began. "Grow up. You're twenty-fucking-three years old. Stop crying." 

Well, that fucking hurt.

He was quick to blink back his tears, not wanting to humiliate himself any more than he already had. "I-I'm okay. Not crying, Taehyungie hyung." he lied. 

Usually, whenever Jungkook felt like this, the first person he would go to was his beloved Hobi hyung, but now he's terrified he had just lost him. To him, Hoseok was the reason he had the strength to stay in BTS and be the 'golden maknae'. His ambition and dedication sprouts from the desire to make Hoseok proud. That's why he knew that Hoseok didn't deserve any of what he was experiencing right now. He wanted to be there for him. He wanted to hold him as they both cried their hearts out, just like their pre-debut days. But was all of that over?

Taehyung only hummed as he pressed a kiss to Jimin's forehead. "Good. Don't. This isn't about you. It's about Jimin,"

Just as Jungkook was about to open his mouth to retaliate, the sound of the door opening and welcoming voices filled his ears. His hyungs were finally back.

Jungkook scrambled off Jimin's bed and raced to the front door, quick to pull the two into a bruising hug. 

"Jungkookie?" Hoseok spoke, holding the younger back twice as tightly. 

"H-Hyung.." Jungkook choked out. "I-I thought you were... you were never coming back..."

Hoseok bit his lip, rubbing the maknae's back softly, rocking him slowly. "Kookie, I'm right here, look. I'm not going anywhere. I would never leave you, bunny." he comforted, his heartbreaking at the broken sobs Jungkook was letting out. "Hyungie... please don't leave... please... I-I know you didn't do it! I-I know!" 

Hoseok smiled warmly and ruffled his hair. "Thank you for having trust in me, Jungkookie-ah,"
"Hyungie... I-I'm always here for you.. just like I always have been. You know that, right?"

Hoseok nodded and once again hugged the younger. "I love you, hyungie," Jungkook mumbled softly. "I love you too, Jungkookie,"

Amongst all of this, they failed to notice the glaring pairs of eyes in the doorway.

Yoongi, however, did not. 

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