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A/N The Roman Numerals are getting harder and harder :/ I failed maths (.. well yeah, you skipped school 99% of the time, what do you expect? -.-)

We're nearing the end of the story now

+ TW: MENTIONS OF S/H + character death

Jungkook bit on his nails anxiously, occasionally biting off the skin around them, not caring about the small drops blood spilling. He'd noticed his Yoongi hyung do this when he was nervous, and Jungkook was beyond nervous.

There was a bottomless pit in his heart and he found himself slowly drowning in its clutches. He felt suffocated as his eyes were fixed on the clock in the endlessly white waiting room.


It had been two hours since Jungkook had seen his precious hyung wheeled off on a stretcher into the emergency room. Two agonisingly long hours.

His phone had been going off constantly, he didn't once look at it, knowing each text and call would be from one of his insensitive members who hadn't even bothered to make the short trip to the hospital.


Two hours, ten minutes later. He felt sick to his stomach with worry, the sight of his dear hyung collapsing into a near lifeless heap on the floor replaying through his mind like a videotape.

Was this it?
Was their last hug their final hug?
Hoseok's last laugh, his final laugh?
His last thoughts about how he should die?

"No..." the maknae spoke, his voice raspy and deep with dehydration. "No, Jungkook, Hyung won't die... Hyung can't die..."

He traced his tattoos, thinking back to when Hoseok used to do it to him whenever he had his panic attacks.


Two hours and fifteen minutes later, almost seven hours since he arrived in this wretched hospital. A kind nurse had been bringing him coffee, iced, the way he preferred, but that didn't stop the droopiness of his eyes.

The constant fear of losing his favourite hyung tormenting him like something from his worst nightmare.

He wouldn't let himself fall asleep. Not when his Hoseok hyung was fighting for his life.

He had to stay awake.

And still... his other hyungs had not bothered to make an appearance.

Finally mustering the courage, he took a deep, shaky breath as he looked at his phone.

My Mochi <33:
Koo... we're so sorry  - 00:59 am
Tae told me what happened - 00:59 am
I love you - 01:00 am
I love you a lot - 01:00 am
How's Hoseok..? - 01:32 am
I hope he's okay.. - 01:32
Baby, I'm so sorry for what I did. I took the posts down, said I was hacked - 01:40
Hitman Bang won't let us come.. I'm sorry - 02:04
Please don't hate me -  02:05
Please - 02:05
I love you - 02:05
Please don't leave me... 02:06
Stay strong... call me when you finally get these messages, okay? Goodnight my love.. - 04:55

My Lil Taebear UwU:
Get home. You made Jimin cry. - 02:07
Hoseok is going to be fine, ffs Koo, come the fuck home. - 03:34
Jungkook!! - 04:00

Joonibear <3:
Jungkook, I want to apologise for everything. I know that apologising to you is only half of what I need to do, but unfortunately, I cannot apologise to Hoseok right now. I have failed as a hyung and as a leader to you. I'm sorry for being part of the reason that you're there with Hoseok hyung right now, but all we can do now is pray. I'm an atheist, but I've been praying that Hoseok is alright. I was a terrible, terrible leader. Instead of helping to clear up the rumours, I did nothing. Instead of talking with the members about clearing Hoseok's names, I stood back and did nothing. Now we're all paying the price. I have faith that our dear hyung is going to survive, he's always been strong. Please take time to yourself whilst at the hospital. We would love to accompany you, but Hitman Bang said we would cause too much of a scene. I'm sorry that this pressure was put on you, our dear maknae and I can only pray that you see us as your sweet, loving hyungs once more. Jin hyung has made food for when you come home, okay? I love you, and Jimin said he loves you too. - 02:30

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