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Hoseok was finally at home, sitting on the long rectangular table with the other 6 members who were laughing amongst themselves. Well, Yoongi was fast asleep with his face in his food but that didn't matter.

He picked at his food, staring at it in disgust. "Hobi hyung, what's up with you?" Jimin asked, poking his left cheek irritably. Hoseok whined slightly and pulled his face away. "Tired out from the photoshoot," he half lied and Jimin brushed his low mood off.

"Hyung, why don't you and I just go to bed early? I'm tired too," the younger suggested and Hoseok shook his head, knowing full well that Jimin was looking for an opportunity to leave his food which he had hardly even touched.

"Let's eat a bit more, Jiminie! You gotta eat if you wanna be healthy for Army!" Hoseok bribed and Jimin bit his lip before digging into the ramen in front of him. Hoseok smiled victoriously and yawned, since he was, in fact, tired from the photoshoot. That and he'd stayed awake until the early hours of the morning crying over the fact that he was never going to be anywhere near as good a dancer as the rest of his members (according to social media).

He forced himself to fight his tiredness, however, and eat the meal which his dear Seokjin hyung had made for him. He grinned when he saw Jimin digging in to his own meal.

"Done! Let's go now, Hobi hyung!" Jimin exclaimed, pulling the older from his seat. "Oh uh- bye!" he waved to the others at the table who were too busy laughing at his misfortune- except Yoongi who was still asleep.

Jimin hurriedly pulled Hoseok into their shared bedroom and pushed him onto his bed.

"Min? You okay?" he spoke, sitting up from the position he landed in. Jimin took a deep breath, small hands running through his own black hair. "I'm internally dying over here, hyung!" Jimin whined, throwing himself onto Hoseok's bed.

Hoseok sat up again to look him in the eye. "Huh?"
"I like Jungkook! A lot! But- he likes Taehyung! But I like Taehyung as well!" Jimin whisper yelled, eyes widened frantically as his fingers dug into his scalp.

Hoseok raised his eyebrow, ignoring the pang of jealously in his chest as he gazed at the beautiful male in front of him. "Have you spoken to them about it?" he asked. Jimin scoffed and shook his head. "Why would I talk to them about it? What would I even say to them? 'Hello my precious dongsaengs, I'm madly in love with you both, but you two love each other so-'"

Jimin cut himself off with a pitiful groan, throwing his head on Hoseok's thighs.

Hoseok was always been the type of person to feel other people's pain, especially when he cared about them, so for him to see his dongsaeng in such a stressful situation of unrequited love was killing him. Especially since he knew exactly what that felt like.

"You gotta talk to them, Chim. Maybe talk to them separately and see how they really feel. I'll talk to them if you'd like,"
"You would?!"

Hoseok smiled widely at the vocalist's wide grin. "Sure, Minnie. Anything for you," he answered, chuckling when he felt the other's arms wrap tightly around him. "Thank you! Okay, I'm gonna get some sleep, you should too! G'night Hobi hyung!"

After that, Jimin climbed into Hoseok's bed, completely disregarding the fact he had his own about 2 metres away.

'Typical mochi' Hobi thought to himself, climbing into the bed next to him, trying to ignore the way his heart raced when the smaller pulled him into his arms.


The next morning at practice, Hoseok couldn't miss the hopeful look on Jimin's face whenever they'd make eye contact with each other in the mirror.

He had told Jimin he would talk to the two of them during their next break considering during the last one they had scurried off to the bathroom.

Finally, they finished their choreography for 'Fire' and Hoseok was now downing as much water as possible before Jimin appeared beside him.

"Talk to them, Hyung!" the small boy pleaded and Hoseok only hummed. "Yeah," he panted. "I'll do it now," he said as he forced himself onto his feet.

He made his way to the two youngest, only for them to once again scurry out of the room. Hoseok, not wanting to blow Jimin's chances even more, followed them.

He wiped a roll of sweat off his forehead as he walked into the bathroom, not expecting to see Taehyung being held close by Jungkook as the younger was kissing his cheek lovingly.

He froze as he made eye contact. Jimin would be heartbroken... was the one thing he thought.

"Hyung-" Jungkook began. "Tae confessed and- well... we like each other..."

Hoseok hummed, and smiled warmly upon noticed their distressed expressions. "Hey... don't worry about it! It's completely okay!"

The couple looked at him shocked, but both smiled anyway.

"I'll leave you two. Come back soon, okay?" Hoseok told them before leaving with a wink. His smile soon fell, however, as he imagined the heartbreak that would be evident on Jimin's face.

Pushing the doors of the dance practice room, he was greeted by the eagerly hopeful expression of his raven-haired dongsaeng.

"Chim..." Hoseok began and he didn't miss the way the other's smile falteres. "Tae and Koo... they're together..." he told him.

He watched the tsunami of emotions flood Jimin's eyes as the latter's fists clenched and unclenched. "Was I even mentioned..?" Jimin asked and Hoseok shook his head.

"So you were pretty much useless?" Jimin spat.


Hoseok opened his mouth to defend himself but was cut off by the younger.

"Don't waste my time anymore than you have! You fucked everything up, why didn't you ask them before this!"

To say he was shocked was an understatement, he was bewildered by Jimin's anger. He hadn't seen Jimin this mad since Namjoon broke his phone, and for the anger to be directed at him terrified him.

"Min, I'm sorry, I-"
"Save your bullshit excuses! You're always doing this! You're always putting yourself first! But now my heart's broken you suddenly give a shit?! Fuck off, you're the worst hyung ever! You're so fucking selfish and-and stupid and pathetic and-"

"I know," Hoseok cut him off, walking out of the dance studio with tears fighting to be released.

He didn't know what to think, he didn't even know if Jimin meant what he said, but with the look of hurt and distaste in his eyes, he truly believed so.

He always heard things like that from their haters, but he always told himself that the members still loved him, that he still had hope for true happiness, but after hearing those painful words from his dongsaeng, he felt truly alone.

He criticised himself as he made his way into the bathroom, making sure to ignore the mirrors. "Aish, Hoseok. So fucking selfish... holding the entire group back..." he muttered. "Maybe if I wasn't so ugly, or so talentless, I wouldn't be such a fucking weak link but all I'm doing is embarrassing the group and bringing them down because I'm so fucking selfish,"

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