~Chapter One~

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It was a regular day at the now empty schools for gifted children. (Y/n), the last remaining child in the school, went on with her day as she normally would. She got up and dressed before heading downstairs towards the kitchen.

Once there she quickly made some breakfast, enough for herself, the proffer, and Hank, before quickly heading into the library. (Y/n) quietly headed towards her favorite corner in the library, filled with pillows blankets and a record player.

And that's what her days consisted of. Helping Hank, reading in the library while listening to music, and messing around with her mutation.

Unlike many others, (Y/n) enjoyed using her mutation. With it she could turn herself or others invisible and make purple shields around herself or somebody else. Since (Y/n) is a shy person, her invisibility gives her the opportunity to hid from people she doesn't want to see

What she didn't know was today was going to be a little different than other days. Because today, the school would be getting a visitor....

From the future.


While (Y/n) sat in the library reading, the sudden sound of thumping made her turn towards the door. Obviously something was wrong, Charles is always in his room and Hank just wanders around most of the day so why the hell was there thumping.

(Y/n) quickly turned invisible before placing her book down and heading towards the sound. But what she came across was not what she expected.

Some random guy was laying on a table while Hank, or beast, hung from the chandelier above him. (Y/n) dropped her invisibility just as a voice cut through the air.

"Hank? What's going on here?" A man with a British accent said as he walked down the stairs.

"Professor?" The man on the table asked as he looked towards the voice.

"Please don't call me that." The professor said as he stopped halfway down the steps.

"You know this guy?" (Y/n) asked, making everyone turn towards her.

"When did you get here?" The strange man asked.

"Been here the whole time." (Y/n) responded.

"Yeah, he looks s-slightly familiar. Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank." Charles said, making Hank jump off the chandelier.

"You can walk." The man stated, mostly to himself.

"You're a perceptive one. Which makes it slightly perplexing that you managed to miss our sign on the way in. This is private property, my friend, I'm gonna have to ask him to ask you to leave." Charles said as he sat himself down on the steps with an empty glass in his hands.

"Well.... I'm afraid I can't do that because, uh....because I was sent here by you." The man responds.

"Well tell whoever it was that sent you that I'm....busy." Charles said.

"That's gonna be a little tricky, because the person who sent me... was you." The man said, leaving everyone confused.

"About 50 years from now." The man added.

"Like in the future, 50 years?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah." The man responded.

"I sent you from the future?" Charles asked, not believing the man.

"If you had your powers you'd know I was telling the truth." The man asked, leaving everyone shocked that he knew that.

"I know you Charles. We've been friends for years. I know your powers came when you were nine. I know you thought you were going crazy when it started, all the... voices in your head. And it wasn't until you were 12 that you realized all the voices were in everyone's else's head. Do you want me to go on?" The man said, leaving Charles in a state of shock.

"I never told anyone that." Charles said.

"Not yet, no, but... you will." The man clarified.

"All right. You've piqued my interest. What do you want?" Charles asked.

"We have to stop Raven. I need your help." The man said, meanwhile (Y/n) zoned out thinking about how this man got here if he's from the future. When she returned she saw all three men walking into Charles' study.

"Wait." (Y/n) said, making all three men stop and look at her.

"I still don't fully trust you." (Y/n) said to the man, making him chuckle.

"Yeah, you've always been like that." The man responded with a chuckle.

"(Y/n) Maximoff, you got your powers when you were five, you had a nightmare about a monster which scared you into using your abilities, you have the ability to turn invisible and create almost indestructible shields. You're also the best damn cook I know." The man said, making a smile spread on (Y/n)'s face.

"Your right. But my last name is (Y/l/n) not Maximoff." (Y/n) corrected.

"Right, sorry about that. When I met you I also met your husband, which is why I know you as Maximoff." The man said, causing a look of pure shock to appear on (Y/n)'s face.

"I get married?" (Y/n) asked softly.

"Yeah. Why do you sound so shocked?" The man added.

"I just thought I'd always be alone. I mean who'd wanna marry a mutant." (Y/n) admitted, making all three men look at her with sadness in their eyes.

"Anyway, I'll be in the library while you talk." (Y/n) excused herself, knowing what they were going to talk about was 'Adult stuff' as Charles liked to call it.

' Maximoff. It's got a nice ring to it.'

(Y/n) smiled to herself as she walked back towards her corner of the library.


About an hour later (Y/n) once again got interrupted by a knock on the library door. Soon after the knock all three men walked in.

"Come on we need your help." Charles said to (Y/n).

"With what?" (Y/n) asked as she stood up and walked towards them.

"We need to break someone out of jail and could use your invisibility." The man, also known as Logan, said.

"And what do I get in return." (Y/n) joked.

"You get the satisfaction of breaking into the pentagon." Charles added, making a smile spread across (Y/n)'s lips.

"I'm in."

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