~Chapter Five~

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Ten years after Erik's speech, Charles' school flourished with young students. Children from all over the country came to learn how to use and control their abilities.

Once. (Y/n) had mastered her own and grew older, Charles had offered her a job as an English teacher. (Y/n) happily accepted, hoping to be able to help these children the same way she was helped.

With the help of her ability, (Y/n) has been able to help many kids that fear their powers. Using her shields she can protect the children when a student loses control, while also stopping said student from hurting themselves.

Over the years, (Y/n) built a strong relationship with both Hank and Alex summers. The first time she met Alex was during one of his visits to the school. One of the younger kids had lost control and shot a beam towards Alex, only for it to hit a shield instead.

From then on (Y/n) and Alex had become very good friends. On occasion Alex would help her in class, mostly talking about powers rather than the actual English assignment. Alex would also tell her about his younger brother Scott. Alex believed Scott would one day make a difference in the world.

As for her friendship with Peter, that had flourished into something more. Over the years, (Y/n) would make trips back to D.C to spend time with Peter and the Maximoffs. Lorna loved when she would come over and often stole her away from Peter.

As for Wanda, when she finally met (Y/n) the two girls hit it off right away. Not only do both girls enjoy the same things, but they both understand the struggles of growing up with powers. Some days
(Y/n) would show up and just go straight to Wanda's room with Lorna, leaving Peter to sulk in the basement.

Over the years, both Peter and (Y/n) started to grow feelings for each other. But they were both too scared of rejection to admit their feelings for one another. It wasn't until a movie night with all the Maximoff kids that their true feelings were revealed.


Five years after the incident in D.C, all the Maximoff kids and (Y/n) sat in the living room watching a movie. Lorna and Wanda sat on the floor, while Peter and (Y/n) cuddled on the couch. Suddenly Lorna let out a frustrated groan before jumping up and turning towards the couch.

"That's it! I'm tired of this. (Y/n) Peter likes you!" Lorna exclaimed, earning a pillow to the face from her brother.

"Lorna!" Peter exclaimed as he and (Y/n) moved to sit on the couch. Wanda then grabbed Lorna and dragged her upstairs, saving her from her brother's wrath.

"Peter, is it true?" (Y/n) asked softly. Peter just looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to look (Y/n) in the eyes.

"Peter. Please look at me." (Y/n) pleaded as she moved closer to him and grabbed his hand. Peter finally gave in and looked at her.

"Yeah, it's true." Peter admitted.

"But I understand if you don't feel the same way. I mean, I'm a total loser who lives in his moms basement who'd want to b-" Peter rushed through his words before (Y/n) cut him off with a kiss.

Peter froze for a second before cupping her face and returning the kiss. Suddenly a high pitched squeal made the two jump apart and look towards the stairs.

The two mutants watched as Wanda slapped her hand over Lorna's mouth before levitating her upstairs. Wanda then smiled and gave the two a thumbs up before following her sister.

(Y/n) turned to face Peter before bursting into a fit of giggles. Peter smiled before bringing (Y/n)'s face closer to his own for a sweet kiss.

And that would be the start of something amazing.

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