~Chapter Eight~

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Peter quickly looked around his room before finding a black backpack. He quickly placed two packs of (Y/n)'s favorite Twinkes in it. Peter hesitated for a minute before taking something out of his night stand and placing it in the bag before putting it on and racing out of his house.

After a while of running Peter found himself in front of the school. As Peter looked at the school he noticed the sudden explosion from under the basketball court. Peter turned to the side to see a yellow car full of teens drive in slow motion before running towards the school, while also dropping his bag on the front lawn.

'Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree'

Peter ran through the hallways past all the students before arriving in the basement where cerebro was. Peter stopped in front of the explosion and moved some debris from in front of him before running towards Hank.

'I traveled the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something'

Peter quickly turned Hank before running him outside onto the front lawn with his bag. He ran back down quickly getting Raven then returning for Moira.

'Some of them want to use you, some of them want to get used by you'

As Peter raced back inside, the ground under some of the kids started to slowly explode. Peter quickly moved them outside before hopping on the flying floorboard to get to a young girl frozen on the stairs.

'Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused'

Meanwhile in the library the wall exploded sending the children flying. After moving the ones closest to the blast, Peter returned for a girl standing in front of a fish tank. He grabbed a nearby floating jar, which he scooped the fish into, before leaving the girl outside with it.

'Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree I traveled the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something'

Peter ran into the bathroom before checking the stalls making sure they were empty. He then found a young boy trying to fix his hair in front of the mirror. Peter quickly messed it up before taking the boy outside.

In a science room the teacher slowly blew forwards before Peter took her outside and returned for the kids.

'Hold your head up, movin' on, keep your head up, movin' on'

On an outdoor balcony a new couple were about to share a kiss before the boy got too carried away. Peter looked at him slightly disgusted. He was so glad his first kiss with (Y/n) was nothing like this. Peter then threw the kids over the railing towards the pond below.

He ran into the dorms, where he threw a dart at a dart board before moving the boys of that room out. He came back to wrap one of the boys into his mattress before throwing it out the window.

Peter Moon walked into the hallway where he spotted a lot of kids in front of the explosion and a huge window. He quickly pulled off the curtains making the window shatter from the force and speed.

Peter then tied the curtains to some trees before running inside and throwing the kids out the window one by one.

'Some of them want to use you, some of them want to get used by you'

In the next room Peter moved a girl from her window before retiring to drink the soda she had. Peter then spotted a dog trying to eat a pizza. He quickly ate the whole pizza before talking the dog outside.

'Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused'

Peter soon realized someone was missing. (Y/n). Peter ran faster then he ever had around the school before finding her in the library. There she stood, frozen with fear in her eyes as she started to create a shield.

'Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree, I traveled the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something'

Peter quickly scooped her up in his arms before he hid her face in his neck and ran out. As Peter jumped out a window and ran off, above him the kids fly across the sky in slow motion.

All the kids safely land on the curtains while the other boy slides out of his mattress that was stuck on a tree. Everyone quickly looks around, wondering how they got outside before turning to the destroyed school.

"Wow!" Peter said with (Y/n) still in his arms.

"Where did you..." Hank tried to stutter out as he watched Peter set an equally confused (Y/n) down.

"I was looking for the Professor. I thought he lived here." Peter said before looking back towards the school.

"They took him." Hank responded.

"Who took him?" (Y/n) asked, wanting to know what Hank meant and why Peter was there.

Before Hank could answer all the kids started to whisper with each other. They all looked with amazement at Raven, who stood in her true form.

"They look up to you." Hank said to raven.

"Right now...they need you." He added.

"That's not what they need." Raven responded before changing into her human self. The yellow car from before parked nearby before Kurt, Scott, Jean, and Jubilee ran over.

"What happened? Where's Alex?! Where's my brother?!" Scott asked in a panic.

"Pretty sure I got everybody." Peter responded.

"Alex was closest to the blast." Hank said, making Scott run off towards the building, followed by Kurt and Jean.

"No." (Y/n) mumbled before her lip started to quiver and a tear escaped her eyes.

Peter let out a sigh before pulling her close and kissing her hair. He continued rubbing her back and kissing her head as she silently cried. Suddenly a chopper landed near the air as it relaid a message over a speaker.

'Please remain calm. Medical assistance is on the way'

As the doors opened multiple soldiers walked out with some unknown weapon. After them a very familiar person walked out wearing a cap and sunglasses.

"Hey! Moira MacTaggert! CIA! Thank God you're here!" Moira exclaimed as she walked towards them, but something felt off as (Y/n) and Peter walked closer to Hank to get a better look.

The familiar figure quickly took off his sunglasses and hat revealing Stryker. Raven was the first to notice, making her eyes go wide as she yelled.

"Wait!" Raven exclaimed, making Peter quickly grab (Y/n)'s hand as he turned.

"Fire!" Stryker ordered before anyone could do anything. The soldiers fired some kind of sound wave making everyone faint and fall.

"I want her!" Stryker orders as he pointed at Moira.

"Him!" Stryker pointed towards a knocked out Hank.

"Them!" He then pointed at Peter and (Y/n) who's hands barely touched as they laid next to each other.

"And her!" Stryker finished as he stood over a knocked out Raven in her natural form.

Now having orders, all the soldiers moved quickly as they moved the fallen mutants into the chopper, not noticing the three stowaways.

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