~Chapter Ten~

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(Y/n) stood behind one of the smaller jets changing into her flight suit while Peter stood on the other side as a guard. Those were his own words. After slipping her arms in her sleeves, (Y/n) started to struggle to get the zipper up.

"Peter." (Y/n) said, getting the silver haired speedsters attention.

"Yeah." Peter responded, not moving from his spot as guard.

"Come here, please." (Y/n) asked, still struggling to get the zipper.

Peter walked around the jet, only for his face to go red at the sight before him. (Y/n) stood facing away from him exposing her back as she struggled with her suit. Peter quickly shook his head and cleared his throat, announcing his presence.

"Can you help me, please?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah." Peter responded, still not being able to take his eyes off (Y/n).

Peter walked over before grabbing the zipper on her lower back and pulling it up to her neck. He then turned her around before placing his hands on her hips.

"Thank you." (Y/n) said, earning a nod from Peter. Noticing something was wrong (Y/n) placed her hands around his neck, playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck.

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked softly. Peter sighed before placing his forehead on hers.

"What if I'm not fast enough? I couldn't save your friend, what if I can't save you?" Peter said, his grip on (Y/n) waist tightening ever so slightly.

(Y/n) let out a sigh, realizing that Alex's death wasn't just hurting her.

"Peter, I know you'll be fast enough. And if somehow you aren't, I have shields remember." (Y/n) said, making Peter relax a little.

"Hurry up, everybody!" Raven exclaimed to the last people not on the jet yet.

Peter sighed once more before connecting his lips then (Y/n)'s. Said mutant gladly reciprocated the kiss before parting.

"I love you." Peter said.

"I love you, too." (Y/n) responded before Raven yelled again.

Peter placed one last kiss on (Y/n)'s forehead before grabbing her hand and walking back to the jet.

Once in the jet, (Y/n) sat between Kurt and Peter while Raven, Jean and Scott sat in front of them.

Everyone was on edge but mostly the three teens that had never been on a mission.

"Were you scared? That day in D.C, were you scared?" Jean asked Raven, making her turn to her along with the other mutants.

"No." Raven responded, making Jean look away.

"But I was scared on my first mission. I was in a plane like this with my friends. About your age." Raven said, before a sad smile spread on her face.

"We called ourselves the x-men. Your brother was there. We used to call him Havok. He was a real handful... but when it came down to it he was very brave." Raven said to Scott.

"What happened to the rest of the kids?" Kurt asked.

"Hank and I are the only ones left. I couldn't save the rest of them. I told you, I'm not a hero." Raven said.

"Well, you're a hero to us. Seeing you that day on TV changed my life." Jean said.

"Mine, too." Kurt added.

"Ours, too." (Y/n) added while Peter nodded his head.

"I still live in my mom's basement but, you know... everything else is, uh... oh, it's pretty much the same." Peter said before chuckling lightly.

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