~Chapter Twelve~

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(Y/n) quietly paced her room wearing a white silk robe. Suddenly her door opened revealing Wanda, Lorna, Jubilee, Jean, and Magda.

"Sweety, sit down and breath." Magda said with a smile. (Y/n) did as she was told and quickly sat in front of her vanity. Out of the corner of her mirror she noticed her wedding dress making everything finally seem real.

"I'm about to get married." (Y/n) mumbled softly while Wanda stood behind her with a smile.

"And you're going to look beautiful. Now stay still." Wanda said as she got started on her hair.

"What if he has second thoughts?" (Y/n) worried.

"Honey, I've never seen Peter so in love with someone before. And I've known him since the womb." Wanda said, making the girls chuckle.

"Besides, Scott told me he's freaking out thinking you'll run out on him." Jean said.

"I love him too much to do that." (Y/n) said, making the girls awe.

"Besides he'd catch me before I even leave the building." (Y/n) joked, making everyone laugh.

Soon all the girls were in their bridesmaids dresses, Wanda being the maid of honor, while (Y/n) stood in front of the mirror in her wedding dress. Someone gently knocked on the door before Hank and Charles walked in.

"You look gorgeous." Charles said, making (Y/n) smile. Meanwhile everyone else slowly left the room.

"Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Charles asked as (Y/n) sat in the chair in front of him.

"I know it's kinda late but you're the closest thing I have to a father and I would love it if you walked me down the aisle." (Y/n) said. Charles smiled before answering.

"I would be honored." Charles responded, making (Y/n) squeal and hug him.

After Charles left (Y/n) sat alone in her room. The wedding wasn't for another 30 minutes but her friends were making sure everything went as planned, leaving her alone to wait.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"(Y/n)? Are you here?" A very familiar voice said from the other side.

"Peter? You're not supposed to be here." (Y/n) said as she leaned her forehead on the door. Not realizing Peter was doing the same thing.

"I know, I just couldn't wait to see you. And you know I'm not patient." Peter said, making (Y/n) laugh. God that laugh made him melt, he couldn't wait to call her his wife.

"Peter, I'm scared." (Y/n) admitted out of nowhere.

"What if I'm not the perfect wife and I don't make you happy in the future." (Y/n) whispered, making Peter's heartbreak.

"You're already the perfect girlfriend, I know you'll be everything I ever dreamed of and more." Peter responded, making (Y/n) sniffle.

"Crap are you crying?" Peter quickly asked.

"No, my eyes are just sweating." (Y/n) said as she whipped her tears. Peter let out a laugh before turning to check the time. The ceremony was going to start in ten minutes.

"God, Wanda's gonna kill me if I ruin the makeup." (Y/n) laughed, making Peter smile.

"Peter where the hell are you! It's almost time!" Erik and Scott yelled from down the hall, making Peter sigh.

"Well, that's my que to leave. But I can't wait to see you." Peter said.

"PETER!" Scott yelled as he spotted his friend, he then stomped over before grabbing the speedster by the ear.

"Wanda said no peeking, let's go." Scott said before pulling him away. The entire time, Peter complained about his ear making (Y/n) laugh.

(Y/n) sat down in her chair for a few moments before Charles came in.

"It's time."

At the altar, Peter nervously stood with Warren, Scott, and Kurt. Peter started to bounce his leg earning a light smack from Warren.

"Calm down. Everything is gonna be fine." Warren said, earning a nod from the two groomsmen.

"Yeah I'm just nervous and excited, ya know. It's not everyday that I get to marry the woman of my dreams." Peter said, making his friends smile.

"Now don't go getting all emotional on me, man." Warren joked, earning a chuckle from Peter. The boys continued to joke around before the piano started to play.

Everyone stood up before turning towards the door. The doors opened revealing Jubilee, followed by Jean and Lorna. Finally Wanda, the maid of honor, walked out making Peter nervous. Two seconds later, (Y/n) walked out holding Charles' hand while he wheeled next to her.

Peter couldn't help but look at (Y/n) in awe as she walked towards him. He thought to himself about how lucky he is to be the man that gets to marry her.

Once (Y/n) got to the altar, Charles handed her off with a smile, before moving to his seat.

"You look beautiful." Peter said as he and (Y/n) stood at the altar. (Y/n) blushed before smiling at Peter. 

After that the ceremony was a blur of cake, food and alcohol. The last thing (Y/n) and Peter can remember clearly was Warren beating Scott at a drinking contest.

But one thing was for sure, by the next morning (Y/n) happily became (Y/n) Maximoff just how Logan said she would.

~two years later~

The entire Maximoff family along with Warren, Kurt, Jubilee, Jean, Scott, Hank and the Professor all sat in one of the mansion's family rooms laughing. (Y/n) had suggested for everyone to hang out just for fun, but her and Peter had other plans.

Peter shared a look with (Y/n) before standing up and gaining everyone's attention.

"Hey, we have something very important to tell you guys." Peter said, while (Y/n) smiled on the couch behind him.

"You're finally going to fox that mop on your head?" Warren asked before everyone started laughing.

"Don't start with me, Cupid." Peter said, once again making everyone laugh.

Everyone started to calm down just as the lights started to flicker. The mansion started to shake before the lights went out completely.

The x-men all stood up, while Wanda and Lorna stayed close to their mother.

"What's going on?" Jubilee said as she held onto Kurt.

"I don't know. Everyone, stay on guard." Charles said, making the mutants slowly look at all the exits and windows.

Suddenly a bright red glitching portal showed up behind (Y/n) and Warren. Everyone took a defensive stance as they turned to the portal.

"What the hell is that thing?" Warren asked as the group watched a red tentacle-like thing slowly crawl out.

The tentacle slowly moved around as if looking for something but not causing harm. Suddenly in a split second the thing shot forwards grabbing (Y/n) and taking her through the portal.

"Peter!!!" (Y/n) screamed before she disappeared.

"(Y/n)!!!" Peter yelled as he ran forward, but unfortunately even with his super speed, Peter didn't reach the portal before it closed.

"No! Damn it!" Peter exclaimed as he punched the wall he hand ran into.

"Peter, don't worry we'll find her." Charles said, trying to calm Peter down.

"You don't understand. She's pregnant."

1,203 Words

I'm back sorry for the delay I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I also wanted to let y'all know that after this everything is related to WandaVison

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