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( eighteen. )

THE HANGOVER THAT PROCEEDED the next day was worse than anything they could've ever imagined. James looked like he was dead, Sirius was pretty much still sleeping, Peter was throwing up in the plant pot around the windows, and Remus? Andrea was 100% sure he was still drunk.

It was 11 in the morning when their little group woke up. They had accidentally fallen asleep in the Common Room, after a night of drunken jokes, scary story-telling, and... well, lots and lots of alcohol.

(According to James, they had to finish their entire supply in case McGonagall decided to enact another surprise Common Room search.)

Andrea watched as her friends rose up from their makeshift fort on the ground like the undead, holding back her laughter. It was times like these that the girl patted herself on the back for remaining sober.

Having got up about an hour before herself, Andrea already made a trip down to the kitchens to fetch a pitcher of water for her dehydrated friends.

Lily, who didn't seem to realize she was laying down beside James, with her head resting on his bicep, spoke first.

"Fucking hell, someone turn off the sun, please," she groaned, holding her hands in front of her face, hoping that it would do enough to shield herself from the burning rays.

James perked up slightly at the sound of his love's voice. He grumbled something along the lines of, "Anything for you, darling," before letting his head thump back down on the pillow underneath him and closing his eyes.

Andrea giggled at the sight, and handed her red headed best friend a cup of water, which she poured into a stray red cup from last night. Lily eyed her friend wearily.

"I cannot do anymore alcohol, Andrea, please don't make me–" Lily began to beg, before Andrea cut her off.

"Woah, slow down there, silly goose," the girl chuckled. "I'm not that mean, alright. It's only water." Lily hmphed in slight satisfaction. She grabbed the red cup from her best friend's ready hands and gulped it all down in mere seconds. When she was finished, she threw the plastic down with the rest of the trash, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She then burped.

"That was hot," James muttered, eyes still closed.

Lily froze at his words, seemingly only realizing now that James was sprawled out beside her. Her cheeks turned red.

Thankfully, everyone around her seemed too immersed in their splitting headaches to really notice the two's encounter.

Instead, Lily swiftly got up off the grounds and began to clear up last night's remains.

It took another hour to get everyone up and half-running. Granted, the group of six didn't look better compared to before, but at least they managed to make their way to the Great Hall without falling apart. Andrea, on the other hand, would have preferred if her friends stayed hungover and miserable. She doesn't know if she'll be able to handle anymore of Peter's whining, or Remus' drunken antics.

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