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( one. )

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"NOW YOU'RE SURE THE two of you have everything?" Mrs. Kate fussed, standing with her family on Platform nine and three quarters in a safe corner away from all the chaos.

Samuel and Andrea shared an irritated look with their father. "Yes, mum," they chorused on instinct, because, well, this was the third time Clarissa has asked the question in the past hour.

"Sweety, stop harping on them so much, they're not going want to come back from Hogwarts if you continue like this," their father, Sean, chuckled, bringing his wife in for a side hug.

"Well, I apologize if I don't look forward to mailing them half of their belongings tomorrow," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Awe, mum," Samuel started, bringing the woman in for a hug. "What's tradition if you don't send us our stuff?" he asked rhetorically. "Also I forgot my astronomy textbook on my side table," he finished quickly, sending his mother a cheeky smile.

"Samuel Sean Kate–"

"Don't worry, seventh years don't have astronomy 'till Friday, you have plenty of time," the boy grinned. He quickly kissed Clarissa's cheek and patted his father's shoulder, calling out a quick 'bye!' before he ran off for the train, his trunk thumping along behind him.

Clarissa let out an exasperated sigh. "How is he going to survive by himself next year?" she asked herself, bringing her hand up to massage her temple.

"One of life's many questions," Andrea confirmed with a sarcastic nod.

"Andrea! Hey!" a voice called out, distracting the girl from her parents. She turned around to face a familiar redhead she hasn't seen all summer, and a wide grin spread across her face.

"Lily!" the brunette squealed, throwing her arms around her best friend in excitement. "It's so good to see you again," she said. "Two months is way too long."

"I know, I was practically depressed without you," Lily giggles, pulling away from the girl. "Hello Mr and Mrs. Kate," she greeted, sending a sweet smile their way.

"So good to see you, Lily," Clarissa said. "It's a shame you couldn't spend time at our home this year. Andrea and Samuel's bickering drove me mad."

Andrea glared at her mother. "Samuel is the one that bickered, mum," she tried to argue.

"Alright, then what did you do?" Clarissa pressed, eyeing her daughter.

Andrea sighed. "I flicked him," she muttered, hanging her head down low in faux-shame. In reality, the girl was quite proud of herself; she managed to nick him every time.

Lily chuckled and opened her mouth to add on to the conversation, but the sound of the train's warning whistle sounded instead of her own voice. "Come on, let's go," Lily urged, starting to get anxious that the train will leave them behind and they'll miss a whole year of Hogwarts and then they won't be able to graduate and then they won't have jobs which will ultimately lead to them living in a box.

Lily shook her head.

After saying their goodbyes, the two girls rushed to the train, the redhead practically pulling her best friend along like a sack of feathers.

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