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( seventeen. )

THE TWO ONLY CAME down hours later. After successfully remaining in Snuffles' form for a small while, Andrea had to lure the dog to change back into a human in case they got caught by a lurking Filch with the promise of extra special cuddles the next time they were up at the tower together. When they arrived at the Common Room, they were surprised to see it almost completely empty. Almost. 

For the first time in four months, Lily, Marlene, Alice, Dorcas, Remus, James and Peter were all sitting together around the fireplace, having a civilized, seemingly normal, conversation.

Andrea and Sirius shared a nervous look with each other, both wondering the same thing: exactly how drunk were their friends?

Even last year, despite the makeshift "bridge" Andrea and Sirius created when they started dating, tensions between the two groups were still higher than they are right now (thanks to a prank the boys pulled on the girls in fourth year in the Great Hall... it involved a bird, porridge and slime. The girls don't allow the boys to sit anywhere near them now).

But this was a whole lot weirder than that ever was.

Taking cautious steps closer to the group of seven, James finally noticed the twos' presence and announced it loudly. Clearly, he was hammered.

"Mates!" he cheered, throwing his arms up high in the air with excitement. "Finally, I thought you'd never come back," he giggled, muffling his burp behind his laughter.

Sirius chuckled in amusement and opened his mouth to reply to his best friend's greeting, when he noticed something, or rather, someone hanging off of the boy's arm as if her life depended on it.

"Lily?" Andrea asked, eyes widening in shock at the sight of her red headed friend. "What the hell happened in here?" she demanded, flabbergasted.

Lily giggled loudly, trying to get up from her seated position to greet Andrea and tripping over air in the process. She turned to look at James and laughed, the boy quickly joining in.

Sirius learned in closer to Andrea, getting down to her height and whispered in her ear, "That's thanks to me and my fantastic plans," he informed matter-of-factly.

Andrea rolled her eyes at his cocky smirk. "I doubt that," she teased. He sent her a look. "Fine, which plan, Sirius?" she begrudgingly asked, adding in a small huff so the boy knew just how irritated she was.

Sirius' smirk widened if possible. "Guess."

"You're unbelievable," Andrea groaned, letting her head fall back in irritation, for added effect.

"No need to compliment me now, love, all our friends are watching- OW, stop it," Sirius scolded. "Bad girl," he huffed, wagging a finger in Andrea's face childishly. She rolled her eyes again.

"Can someone tell me what happened in here?" Andrea asked the group in an attempt to ignore the weird feeling bubbling up in her chest. 

James and Lily were too busy staring into each other's eyes to notice the brunette had even said anything, and Dorcas and Marlene were currently braiding Peter and Alice's hair together (they were both knocked out, using the small decorative table in front of them as a makeshift pillow), so Andrea turned her attention to Remus who seemed reasonably hammered, yet still sane enough to form words. 

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