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( twelve. )

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THE REST OF THE week had passed by in a blur.

Classes went on and were as boring as ever, however, Andrea's evenings with her friends and Aaron really made up for it. Just hours upon hours of messing around with each other and heartfelt midnight conversations -- one of Andrea's favorite parts of being back at Hogwarts.

Yet, it took Andrea Kate three whole days to realize what was missing.

It was now Saturday, and Andrea had seen her brother Sam more than she had seen Sirius. Despite it still being the first week of school, Sirius skipped Transfiguration two out of three times he had it.

Andrea hadn't even noticed his absence, though. Until breakfast.

Like usual, it took both Dorcas and Alice to wake Andrea up this morning. When they finally succeeded, the brunette was in the worst mood possible — she believed that sleeping in on a weekend was very important for the soul.

Lily had no such belief.

After a lot of arguing and pushing around, Andrea begrudgingly changed out of her sweatpants into a new pair and finished her look off with her Quidditch jumper and a pair of bunny slippers.

Marlene applauded Andrea for her bold choice of attire and threw her arm over her shoulder, the two of them leading the rest of their friends down to the Great Hall.

The five made a beeline for their usual spot on the Gryffindor table. Alice scooted closer to Frank Longbottom, Marlene, and Dorcas dove straight for the pancakes, and Lily was doing her very best to ignore the Marauders, who just walked in.

Andrea kept her gaze on her cup of hot coffee, not daring to look behind her, at the four boys that stopped right where she and Lily sat. It's a shame that Aaron was allowed to sleep in on weekends.

Andrea flinched when someone took the empty space beside her and she almost didn't dare to turn around to see who it was.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving," Remus breathed out, reaching for a bowl of oatmeal.

Andrea smiled wide at the sight of the tallboy. "Rem!" she squealed, pulling him in for a hug. "It's been so long," she said, the dots not connecting in her head that Remus looked a lot better than the last time she saw him.

Remus leaned his head on hers, simultaneously shoving a slice of toast in his mouth. "I know, right," he grumbled, trying not to spray crumbs everywhere.

Andrea giggled and brought her head up again, making a show of swiping imaginary crumbs off her sleeves and shoulder. Remus rolled his eyes and looked her in the eyes as he took another bite.

The two ignored an arguing Lily and James and kept up their conversation, neither of them noticing Sirius walking away to the Ravenclaw table and Peter practically toppling Dorcas over to reach the scones.

"I still can't believe Slughorn is making us take a comprehension quiz every Friday," Remus complained. "It's the stupidest thing in the fucking world."

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