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THE BREAKUP HIT ANDREA Kate harder than she cared to admit.

Maybe it was because it happened on the last day of school and the girl just assumed that he wanted to be with her through the summer as well; or maybe because this was her first relationship and everyone always has high hopes for their firsts; maybe it was because it was her birthday and even Sirius Black himself wasn't that cliche.

And June 28th, that God awful day, seemed to be the slowest day of Andrea's life. Starting bright and early, the girl hopped out of bed, scarfed down breakfast and skipped her way to her final exam of the school year - Charms. With a pep in her step, the now-sixteen-year-old had an amazing beginning of her day. The only downfall? Not seeing her boyfriend anywhere.

That was okay, though; it was Andrea's sixteenth birthday – the day she's been waiting for since her older sister Monica's 16th four years ago.

"Andrea!" a voice called loudly, successfully snapping the girl out of her mini-daze.

Andrea shook her head violently, accidentally bumping her own with Lily's. The girls scrunched up their noses in pain, rubbing their heads harshly.

"Ow," Lily whispered. She then cleared her throat and tried to compose herself as best she could so she could talk to her best friend. "Happy birthday!" she said excitedly, opening her arms wide for a hug.

Andrea squealed. "Thank you!" she laughed, hugging the redhead as hard as she could.

"Well, come on then," Lily giggled, she grabbed Andrea's hand and started to run.

"Where are we going, Lils," Andrea huffed, trying to slow down her friend.

"You'll see," Lily replied, laughing almost maniacally. Andrea gulped, but allowed her friend to lead her toward the black lake anyway.

━ ❁ ━

"Uh, Sirius?" a voice spoke up unsurely.

The long haired boy paid them no mind, focusing his attention to the tall blonde sitting in front of him.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, tucking a strand of her almost-platinum hair behind her ear. He leaned in close again, reconnecting their lips.

"Sirius," the voice said again. The boy ignored him, gripping the seventh year's waist harder.


"What?" he finally snapped, his lips leaving the girl's with a loud smack.

Peter and Remus stood behind the couch in the Gryffindor common room, nervously facing a very pissed off Sirius Black and an amused seventh year whose name they didn't know.

"Um," Peter looked about ready to pass out.

"You still have a girlfriend," Remus deadpanned.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Right," he sighed. He faced the blonde again and pecked her lips. "I'll be right back, babe." He got up from the couch and started to make his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Remus asked, hoping his friend won't say what he thought he was going to say.

"Gonna go break up with Andrea," he said simply, and left the common room.

"I was afraid he was going to say that," Remus muttered. He motioned for Peter to follow him and the two ran out of the room quickly, trying to catch up with Sirius.

━ ❁ ━

Lily's hands moved to cover Andrea's eyes the moment the two found sunlight. They walked slowly with Lily snickering evilly and Andrea fearing for her life with her arms stretched out in front of her.

"I swear to Merlin, Lils, if you lead me directly to the black lake, then–"

Andrea was cut off by the ability to see again and a huge picnic set out in front of her.

"Surprise!" all her friends yelled out in unison.

Andrea's hands flew to her mouth in shock, tears springing to her eyes. On top of the blanket laid out on the grass, was a cake obnoxiously big, the words 'Happy Birthday Andrea' written rather neatly in red icing.

"You guys," Andrea smiled, her voice coming out a little squeaky. "This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." She looked among her four friends in appreciation, but the lack of a tall boy with shoulder-length hair put a frown on the birthday girl's face. "Where's Sirius?" she voiced aloud.

"Right here," the boy himself said, coming up behind the girl with his hands in his pockets.

Andrea swiveled on her heel. "Sirius!" she said excitedly, throwing her arms over the boy in a hug. "Where have you been, I haven't seen you all day," she said, furrowing her eyebrows in slight confusion. Maybe he just forgot what day it was, she thought to herself, straightening her crooked glasses.

"Um," Sirius was unsure of what to say; usually when he breaks up with a girl, he's, well, alone with her. He craned his neck to peak at the four girls watching the couple expectantly. He cleared his throat and lightly took Andrea's hand to lead her away from the group.

"What's going on, Sirius?" she asked once they reached far enough away.

"Andrea, this isn't going to work out," he said, snatching the cat right out of the bag.

The girl took a step back.

"What?" she whispered. She could feel her heart beginning to crack as Sirius' eyes refused to meet her own.

The boy eventually let out a huge sigh and grey irises met hazel when he finally decided to look at her.

"I just feel like we should see other people, you know," he said smoothly, the words coming out on instinct. Almost as if he's used the line before.

Andrea's vision blurred, the tears resurfacing once again but for a different reason this time. She knew Sirius was still speaking, but the sound of Andrea's heart shattering seemed to faze that all out. What seemed like hours later, Sirius' hand touched Andrea's shoulder sympathetically and he walked away, leaving her behind, frozen.

She doesn't know how long she was standing there, but at some point Lily, Marlene, Alice and Dorcas joined her, each of them already assumed what happened and doing their best to soothe her.

None of them said anything for a while, the five of them gradually moving to sit on the grass. The only movement being Lily stretching her arm out carefully to check the time on her watch. She grimaced; the train would leave in 20 minutes.

Slowly, she moved away from their little tight ball and sent the girls an apologetic look. "It's time to go, guys," she said softly. She got up and reached her hand down for Andrea to take.

The girl nodded and accepted the hand, following her best friends to the Hogwarts Express, leaving fifth year behind and all the sudden hardships the day brought forth.


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