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part two
( fifteen. )

"YOU LOOK SO HOT, babe," Aaron gushed, rushing to his girlfriend's side the moment she stepped off the stairs.

Andrea blushed hard. "Thank you," she mumbled, smiling shyly up at him. "Do you want to dance?" she asked him. She could practically feel Marlene's intense gaze on her, waiting for her to do something. Andrea tried to avoid any and all eye contact with the blonde, instead choosing to stare up in Aaron's warm brown orbs that seemed to blend so perfectly together with her hazel ones.

"Of course, babe, but let's get a drink first," Aaron suggested with a raised eyebrow. "James and Black somehow managed to sneak in Firewhiskey," he smirked excitedly. "Fancy a cup?" he asked the girl as he began to walk in the direction of the drinks. Andrea shook her head grimly, letting go of his hand and watching him walk away and greet a few of his friends along the way.

"Hey, you alright?" a voice asked from behind Andrea. The girl swiveled around (and bumped into a few people dancing) to face a worried looking Remus. Andrea nodded hesitantly, scratching the side of her thumb with her index finger. "Does he not know?" Remus asked slowly, placing a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder.

"I thought I told him," Andrea mumbled. "You'd think it'd be easy to remember, you know," she said, her eyes tearing up a little. "How hard is it to remember a simple, 'Alcohol almost killed my mother, so I don't drink', you know?" Andrea scratched her finger a little more, watching as Aaron held a conversation with a small group of people, two cups in his hands.

"I'm sure he just... misspoke...?" Remus tried hesitantly. Andrea nodded, keeping her gaze set on her (red and swollen) pinky toe (thanks to the heels). "Would you like to leave?" he asked her, sticking his thumb behind him in the direction of the common room door.

Andrea bit her lip, thinking over his answer. But then she caught Marlene's gaze once again, and she swallowed thickly. "I'll be okay," she said, smiling weakly up at her friend. Andrea tried to avoid Remus' sympathetic eyes, and dared herself to try and find a certain redhead amidst the large crowd.

Andrea was surprised James and Sirius allowed more than just Gryffindors at the party. She noticed a fair amount of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs mingling amongst their respective houses (no Slytherins, of course. Thankfully, they wouldn't want to attend a Gryffindor party, anyways). Andrea even spotted a couple first and second years trying to fit in with the older kids. The girl shook her head in disappointment (even though she used to do the same when she was their age).

It took a small while for Aaron to remember he had a girlfriend to entertain, but at that point, said girlfriend had already found Lily Evans, and the two retreated up the stairs to change out of their horrid outfits.

"You alright, mate?" James whispered in Sirius' direction while the group they both stood in started up their own conversation.

The bespectacled boy noticed how his best friend hadn't laughed at any of the jokes, hadn't flirted with any of the girls (that practically threw themselves on him), and hadn't even drank half of Peter's "special creation" throughout the duration of the night. He was... silent.

So, James Potter self-diagnosed Sirius Black (AKA the self proclaimed 'life of every party') as completely bonkers. I hope it's not contagious, James thought to himself.

He shuddered at the fleeting thought.

A moment passed and Sirius had yet to answer James' question. His eyes were glued somewhere in front of him; James wouldn't be surprised if Sirius didn't even hear what he asked him.

Another moment and still nothing. James was starting to get worried.

So, in an attempt to understand what the fuck was going through his best friend's head, James aligned himself so he was exactly beside Sirius and tried his best to see where the boy was looking.

And then he saw it.

"Don't you feel so much better?" Lily asked excitedly, relishing the feeling a pair of sweatpants gave her. Andrea nodded with equal enthusiasm, more than happy to throw her pair of heels out the window.

The brunette slipped on her bunny slippers (it was still a party, of course) and thought to herself in the mirror for a moment. She was perfectly comfortable in her new change of clothes. But something was missing. Andrea saw Lily smirking knowingly from the mirror.

"What?" Andrea giggled, crossing her arms self-consciously over her figure. The redhead lifted something in the air, making Andrea gasp. Her glasses. "I didn't even know I packed these," Andrea mumbled, walking closer to her best friend and holding the object in her hands. They felt familiar.

"You didn't, actually," Lily said matter-of-factly. "Your mother gave them to Sam to give to you, but Sam gave them to me to give to you because he's 'lazy', apparently," she said with a soft smile.

Andrea giggled softly, "Careful Lily, your crush on my brother is showing," she said cheekily, winking at a now-appalled redhead. Her laughter grew as Lily's anger did, which made it considerably harder for the brunette to shove her finger in her eye and remove her lenses.

"Hey!" Lily said loudly, trying to be heard over Andrea's laughs. "I was twelve! Give me a break!"

Andrea shook her head in amusement. "I don't understand how you could've possibly liked him," she muttered, pretending to throw up in the spot next to her for added effect.

Lily rolled her eyes at the over-dramatics. "Whatever," she mumbled, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. "It's not like I still have a crush on him," she defended herself. "Please don't throw your used lenses on the floor."

Andrea rolled her eyes. "You're a terrible liar, you know that, Lily? First, you lie about fancying my brother. Then, you kiss Potter and don't tell anyone about it. Come on, Lils, who do you fancy now? My brother or James?" she teased, begrudgingly throwing her lenses in the garbage.

Lily's eyes widened considerably, and Andrea took that as her cue to run away. With her contacts off and her glasses in her hands, Andrea ran down the five flights of stairs with blurry eyesight and an angry-Lily chasing after her. Andrea thought now was a good time as any to place her glasses on.

And what was the first thing she saw?

It wasn't the 11-year-old chugging Firewhiskey like it's no ones business.

It wasn't the couple literally shagging on the window seat.

It wasn't Marlene marching toward her with fury painted on her face.

"Oomph." Lily bumped into Andrea's back. "What are you looking at-- Oh."

Because there Aaron Ross stood; in the middle of the common room, with a Ravenclaw girl tucked safely underneath his arm and a wide-grin plastered on his face.

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