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( nine. )

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"WHAT DID SIRIUS MEAN when he mentioned your two's 'moment'" Aaron bluntly asked the moment the couple escaped the Great Hall. Andrea shyly looked up at him, hoping he wasn't mad over nothing. His face seemed calm, but all that meant was Andrea had to choose her next words very carefully.

"Babe," Andrea sighed, leaning her head on the nearest pillar. Aaron eyed her curiously and tried to ignore the funny feeling in his chest when he watched her bite her lip. "You know how Black is," she said, chuckling nervously.

"Yes, I do, love; he's irritating and he always sticks his nose where it doesn't belong," Aaron listed. "But he's also not a liar."

Crap, Andrea thought. She bit her lip a little harder. I just have to tell him, she decided. "I promise you nothing happened," she started. "I couldn't sleep last night so I sat in the common room and Sirius just so happened to walk in and he sat, too."

Aaron raised his eyebrow, unsure whether or not he believed his girlfriend's words. Andrea eyed him down until, eventually, he released a sigh. "Okay," he muttered. He pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry I let him get in my head like that," he said into her hair. Andrea squeezed him tightly, not wanting to let go anytime soon.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it before Sirius did," she replied, chuckling slightly. After a few more moments in each others' embrace, the girl pulled away from him. "Let's go back in and get our stuff, I want to stop by the kitchens quickly for a cup of coffee before we head off for classes."

Aaron nodded and held Andrea's hand as they entered the Great Hall again. The two of them picked up their bags off the floor and turned on their heels to exit again.

"Oh, wait," Andrea stopped. Aaron sent her an odd look, but she raised her finger at him and walked to where her friends were sitting. She stood behind Lily and placed her index finger on her lips, letting Marlene and Alice know to be quiet. Andrea placed both her hands over Lily's eyes and leaned in close to her to whisper in a husky voice, "Guess who?"

Lily automatically tensed her shoulders while Marlene and Alice were doing their best to keep their laughter at bay. "I swear to Merlin Potter if that's you-" Lily threatened darkly, whipping her body forward so the hands fell from her eyes. Lily swiveled in her seat quickly and was ready to start kicking until she noticed her brunette best friends laughing in front of her so hard she almost fell on the floor. Alice, Dorcas, and Marlene soon followed, which triggered Lily's own giggles. "Merlin, Andrea, I thought you were that walking toerag!" the redhead exclaimed. "I almost took out your ankles!"

Andrea laughed harder at that and this time, she did fall over. Aaron was quick to help her back up and he rubbed her back softly in an attempt to calm her before she got dizzy. "That was awesome," Andrea finally managed out, wiping a forming tear form the corner of her eye. "Anyway, I just came to let you know I'm heading to the kitchens with Aaron, and then we're going to class," she finally said.

"Ooh, get me a coffee, please," Marlene spoke up, raising her head in excitement. Andrea nodded in understanding and waved goodbye to her four friends.

"See you in Charms," Andrea called out, making her way out of the Great Hall with Aaron trailing behind her.

"I really hope she gets my coffee."

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"What's got them all chipper?" James asked in confusion, watching the way Lily's eyes lit up when she laughed with a dazed smile on his face.

𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 - 𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊Where stories live. Discover now