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( four. )

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"ALRIGHT, SIRIUS?" AARON ASKED the boy hesitantly in an attempt to diffuse the thick tension. He moved his position to stand a little in front of his girlfriend, feeling uncomfortable that her ex-boyfriend of all people was staring at her as if she was his.

The sudden movement seemed to snap Sirius out of whatever trance he was stuck in. He nodded slightly, so slightly you would've missed it if you blinked or wasn't looking hard enough.

With a clenched jaw, the boy spared one last glance at the fed-up couple across from him and released a defeated sigh. He turned on his heel and walked in the direction he came from and disappeared around the corner.

Andrea shared a confused look with the boys around her, but the surprise painted on all of the Marauders' faces seemed way too genuine for Sirius' scene to be planned.

The girl smiled softly at the touch of Aaron's hand clasping around hers. Hers was so cold compared to his, but that's merely thanks to their extended time in the middle of the hallway. Without another word, the couple walked passed the three boys and made their way to the common room.

Neither of them was sure if James, Remus or Peter followed right after them, but when Aaron spoke the password (it was 'treacle tart') and entered the dimly lit room without the ruckus or footsteps of three teenage boys behind them, Andrea released sigh in relief.

Her hand was still clasped firmly in Aaron's as she led him in the direction of the stairs.

She couldn't help but glance at the fireplace, however. To see if maybe Sirius was sitting in front of the flames, just staring, as he usually did whenever he had too much on his mind. He wasn't there and Andrea internally beat herself up for remembering that part of him.

At this point, it was way past curfew and even though the girl never let down the idea for late nights, the whole day's events left her feeling as if she'd been awake for weeks.

"Goodnight," she whispered, meeting Aaron's warm brown eyes. He smiled down at her and repeated the words and the two of them took their separate ways up the staircases.

Andrea walked up and up until she reached the sixth year's dormitory floor. She hadn't noticed any of her friends relaxing on the couch as they usually would any other evening, so she assumed them to be chattering away in the safety of their dorm room.

She felt out of breath when she finally reached the top. Merlin knows how she was going to survive next year with her dorms being located at the very top of the tower. Evening out her breath, she pushed open the room door and took her first step into the bedroom she'd reside in for the rest of the year.

"There you are!" 

Andrea jumped, not expecting the shrill sound with everything running through her head at once.

"Hey," Andrea smiled sheepishly. Her friends watched in curiosity as the girl made her way to the only empty bed - the one closest to the door. She sat down on the gold comforter and pulled her legs up on the bed to cross them. "I'm guessing you want to know where I've been, huh?" she asked. The girls gave her a 'duh' look. Andrea chuckled and started to explain from the beginning.

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