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( ten. )

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ANDREA SKIPPED HER WAY to the courtyard after all her classes were over. She had a free last period today, and she was going to make the most of it. But not with homework.

"So," Marlene spoke up breathlessly, trying to keep up with her fast-moving friend in the empty halls. Andrea glanced behind her and thought maybe she should stop so her friend could catch up. The two had all their free periods together because Lily and Dorcas chose to take one extra class (the former, Arithmetics and the latter, Herbology) and Alice had a free period as well, but she always dedicated her spare time to her hopefully-soon-to-be boyfriend-but-currently-best-friend, Frank Longbottom.

"So?" Andrea asked, furrowing her eyebrows when the blonde didn't continue. They had slowed their skipping to a brisk walk and the two finally made it outside. Andrea breathed the fresh air in deeply and allowed herself to soak up as much sun as possible.

"How're you and Aaron doing?" she asked excitedly when the two sat down under a nearby tree. Andrea blushed at her boyfriend's name. "It must be difficult not having classes with him," she said, leaning against the tree trunk.

Andrea shrugged and followed her lead. "It's alright, I guess," she said. "I'm just trying to get as much time as possible with him before he has to focus solely on N.E.W.T.'s. you know."

Marlene nodded her head. "Do you know what he wants to do after he graduates?"

Andrea furrowed her eyebrows together as she thought. "I don't actually," she finally said. She scratched her forehead, "I know he likes numbers and stuff," she tried weakly. Marlene giggled and patted her friend's back in comfort.

"It's not a big deal, you both are still in the 'Cupcake' part of your relationship," she said encouragingly. "You have until the end of the year to get to know him better."

Andrea nodded her head in agreement, "I guess you're right."

It was silent between the two for a moment, both of them basking in the sunlight and the calmness of having no one around to bother them.

"Have you read Witch Weekly recently?" Marlene asked after a few minutes of them sitting with their eyes closed.

Andrea shook her head, but then realized that both their eyes were still closed so she said, "No."

Marlene hummed. "I know you may not take this so seriously because you have a boyfriend, but guess who just proposed to his girlfriend of one year?"

Andrea's eyes widened considerably and she shot up from her slouched position. Marlene giggled and got up, too.

"He did not," the brunette gasped, all the color leaving her face. Her friend nodded her head in confirmation solemnly. "B-but," she stuttered. She ran a hand down her face. "They've been dating a year," she shrieked, emphasizing the last word.

Marlene cringed a little and backed up in her seat, knowing that when Andrea got enthusiastic, she also got accidentally violent. "I agree, Louis and Cherise are taking things way too fast," she said. She carefully placed her hands on her friend's knees, hoping to calm her down.

"'Too fast' is an understatement, Marls," Andrea huffed, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. "I'm telling you she's just using him for his money and the fact that he's on every magazine. She's a failed model, for Merlin's sake! She's hanging around him like some kind of sick-"

"Woah," Marlene laughed, cutting her friend off before she got too excited.

Andrea took a deep, calming breath and exhaled heavily. "I'm good," she said, letting her back lean on the tree trunk again.

"You sure?" Marlene asked.

Andrea hummed. "I just think that he's making a big mistake," she explained quickly at Marlene's amused face. "I mean, I don't care that he's getting married. Louis Firestone isn't the love of my life anymore," she said cooly. "Like, I have a boyfriend and I'm not fifteen anymore."

Marlene giggled and pulled her best friend in for a side-hug. "You're so perfectly strange, Andie."

━ ❁ ━

"Alright, mate, how do I look?" Sirius nervously asked James as the two stood by the doors leading to the courtyard.

James eyed his friend up and down. "As devilishly handsome as always, Padfoot," he grinned.

Sirius smirked and pulled the boy in for a bro-hug. "Thanks, Prongs."

"Are you sure you want me to leave?" James asked unsurely. "McKinnon is out there as well, you may need some emotional and, you know, physical support getting out of there," he said. Sirius waved his friend off.

"I'll be fine, Prongs. Now, go spy on Evans," he urged, practically pushing his friend in the direction of the stairs. James gave Sirius a salute and made his way up.

Sirius laughed silently to himself, over the moon that he had someone as supportive as James by his side. With a deep breath, Sirius took one step outside and his eyes automatically found Andrea sitting under a tree with Marlene. He made his way over, making sure to keep himself hidden so he wasn't yelled at to go away as quickly.

He didn't mean to act like James, but he hid behind a cluster of trees and, right when he was about to make himself known, he heard something that made him rethink his thought-out plan he spent all of Charms devising.

"What are you going to do about Sirius?" Marlene asked Andrea.

The brunette stayed silent for a moment. "What do you mean 'do about Sirius'?" she chuckled.

Marlene scoffed, "Andy, he clearly wants you back," she said in frustration. Sirius nodded to himself, glad that his attempts and remarks haven't gone unnoticed.

Andrea sighed and Sirius assumed she ran her hand through her hair. "I have a boyfriend, Marls," she said. And maybe this was Sirius being hopeful, but it sounded more like she said it more to herself than to Marlene.

"Do you think you could be... friends with him?" the blonde asked unsurely, sounding sick when she said the word 'friend'.

"I'm not sure, Marls," Andrea said truthfully. "We were good friends at one point. I wouldn't mind if we went back to that one day."

Sirius's heart fell at her words. Was it too bold for him to assume that with enough pestering, she'd want him back?

He didn't bother to hear the rest of their conversation, he just turned on his heel and made his way back to the castle.

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short chapter i'm sorryyy

but i hoped u enjoyed my duded

check out my JJ Maybank fanfic called "Castaways" if you haven't already!

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