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( two. )

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JAMES HAD TO JAB Sirius' stomach for him to finally manage a word out. And that word? "Wow."

Andrea felt uncomfortable under the stare of her ex-boyfriend. She shifted in her seat and crossed one leg over another, silently thanking herself that she chose to wear jeans today instead of shorts or a dress.

"You always were one for class, weren't you, Black?" Marlene asked. "Hey, would you like a napkin for all that drool or are you alright?"

The girls snickered, successfully snapping Sirius out of it. He straightened his back, wiped his mouth (which had no drool) and placed his signature smirk on his face.

"I'll have you know, McKinnon, that 'class' is my middle name," he said, grinning cheekily at the blonde. She sent him a look. "Alright, it's actually 'Orion' but just... okay," he said, sending an urgent look her way. 'Shut up' he tried to say with his eyes. She didn't get the message.

Sirius turned back to Andrea, looking her up and down with his stupid filthy smirk sent from hell still plastered on his stupid face. "You're looking fit, aren't you, Kate," he stated, biting his bottom lip in desire, clear signs of lust flashing behind his stormy grey eyes.

Andrea rolled her eyes and crossed her arms tightly over her chest (which led Sirius' eyes to her chest). "You're disgusting," she said, wanting to gag.

Sirius hummed, bottom lip still tucked underneath his top teeth. All his previous rules, beliefs and mottos suddenly flying out the window. "Say, do you–"

The compartment door opened once again (leaving Dorcas absolutely dumbfounded). James and Sirius moved away from the door as someone walked in. Andrea automatically perked up, which made Sirius turn around to see who entered.

"Aaron Ross?" James said in disbelief, going in to 'bro hug' the tallboy. Aaron chuckled, patting James' back in return. "What is my star beater doing in this compartment?" he asked, pulling back from the hug.

Aaron turned to Andrea. 

He politely put his hand on Sirius' shoulder (ignoring his "Star beater? What about me, dumbass?" directed at James), moving past him to take a seat next to the brunette after Lily moved aside for him.

James eyed the seat next to the redhead, silently asking her if he can sit. Lily hmphed, but to James, she didn't say 'no' so he took a seat anyway. Lily was too intrigued by everything else going on around her she didn't try to argue.

Aaron greeted Andrea with a short peck on her lips, smiling at her lovingly after they pulled away.

But they could feel six pairs of eyes watching them unblinkingly.

"I'm sorry," Sirius cleared his throat, successfully breaking the tense silence that overcame the group. "What in the name of Merlin just happened?" the boy asked incredulously.

Andrea giggled, intertwining her fingers with Aaron's and leaning her head on his shoulder, kind of hoping that her friends (and the boys) would get the message.

"Clearly our dear Andy here has some explaining to do," Marlene said in false-anger. In all honesty, the blonde was overjoyed for her friend; Aaron Ross was quite possibly one of the best-looking guys in all of Hogwarts yet that didn't deter him in the slightest from also being one of the nicest guys.

𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 - 𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊Where stories live. Discover now