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( six. )

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UNLIKE HIS THREE PARTNERS in crime, James Potter was exceptional at making friends.

Despite the four of them now being known all throughout Hogwarts, the path to get to that point was an interesting one. Especially becuase the boys had a lot of getting comfortable in their surroundings to get done.

Peter was, well, he's quite self-explanatory. The small, mousy boy hasn't changed much since first year. He went from a short, chubby eleven-year-old to a slightly taller, chubby sixteen-year-old. Peter was a shy boy, still is, really. But in the six years he's known his louder best friends, Peter himself got a little... loud.

From day one, James could tell he would really like Remus Lupin. Despite being quiet, the tall boy went from 0 to 100 in mere seconds. Remus wasn't rude, but he definitely had a few cuss words up his sleeve. And he was the perfect cover, James quickly realized. Remus was the smartest boy James had ever met, which means that all of their extraordinary pranks were curtesy of him.

Sirius Black had an ego way too huge for an average person to possibly handle. But when James first met him, he could tell that, in spite of that, it took a while for Sirius to trust. But there was something about James that helped Sirius open up quite quickly. And, Sirius thought, if the bespectacled boy could trust the mousy boy and the tall one, then he could, too.

Now, James Potter. He was definitely an interesting person to be friends with. But as easy as it was for the boy to make friends, he always made sure that said friends understood how important they were to him. If there was one thing that James Potter cared for more than Lily Evans, it would be his three partners in crime.

James was easy to talk to, which surprised everyone. He could walk up to a person he didn't even know and strike up an hour-long conversation with them. And, as annoying as that was, it was slightly comforting. Mostly because James hated it when others looked alone. Growing up as an only child, the boy already knew the feeling.

That's how he met Andrea Kate.

It was the first night of second year when James walked into the common room after the feast with his friends and spotted a girl sitting on the couch in front of the fire. And she was alone.

James had seen her around before; she usually hung around his Lilypad and some other girls. Not seeing his dear redhead anywhere, the boy assumed Andrea (he remembered her name after a few moments of thinking about it) was simply waiting for her friends to come up from the feast.

As James took a few steps closer to the couch, he noticed the letter clutched tightly in the girl's small hands.

James bit his lip; it was physically impossible for him to leave someone clearly upset, alone. He discreetly turned his neck to look at his three friends chattering away with each other and used his super sneaky and super real bandit skills to slink away from them. He tiptoed toward the couch and plopped down right beside the girl, scaring the absolute crap out of her.

"Bloody hell!" she shrieked, flailing about on the couch and eventually falling hard on the floor. James choked back a laugh.

"Sorry about that, Kate," he snickered, but he offered her his hand nonetheless.

Andrea huffed in annoyance, but still allowed the cackling boy to haul her back up. She sat back down on the burgundy cushions and faced the bespectacled boy. "Did you need something? 'Cause Lily should be up–"

James places his hand over Andrea's mouth, which successfully cut her off because, well, that was weird.

"That's not why I'm here," James spoke, slowly removing his hand. Andrea raised her eyebrow, urging him to continue. "You just look..." James bit his lip. "Sad," he deadpanned.

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