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( eight. )

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ANDREA WOKE UP OUT of breath. Which rarely ever happened because if there was one thing that always came easily to the girl, it was sleep.

She wasn't exactly sure what got her up and out of bed at three in the morning; there were no sudden noises, no cold draft and she was having a really good dream about marrying a prince in Fiji.

It was just like something in her head said, 'Hey, why don't you wake up five hours earlier than usual for no reason. Doesn't that sound fun?'

But at the same time, Andrea felt like she just finished 50 laps for Potter during Quidditch practice. Her throat felt raw, her eyes burned and her breaths came out short and ragged. The dorm room was starting to get too hot for comfort, so Andrea slipped on a pair of shoes and grabbed her throw blanket and a book as quickly as possible. Merlin knew how light of a sleeper Lily was.

Practically walking on her tiptoes, Andrea rushed out of the room, clutching her blanket around her shoulders tightly like a cape. She trotted down the stairs quickly (probably resembling a superhero that Lily told her about a few times) and made a beeline for the couch.

It was only her second night back at Hogwarts and Andrea already felt overwhelmed with all that has happened. But instead of voicing her concerns to her loving boyfriend (whom Andrea knew wouldn't mind being woken at an hour like this to simply just talk), the girl chose to spend the remaining sunless hours alone in the common room.

Andrea slipped off her shoes, plopped down on the large couch, and brought her legs up to cross them. She allowed the flames in the fireplace to warm up her body all the while snuggling closer to her blanket. She always happened to be cold no matter how many layers she had on her.

That was always the beauty of her and Sirius' relationship, he was always happy to snuggle–

Andrea shook that thought out of her head. Shut the hell up, she told herself. That's not... you have...

She scoffed at herself. She really was an idiot.

Andrea shifted on the couch and tried to make herself more comfortable on the slightly worn-out cushions. She picked up her book she brought down with her and smiled lightly when she realized what she picked up.

'Salem's Lot by Stephen King. One of her favorites. Snuggling closer into her blanket, Andrea opened up her book and started reading.

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Sirius made his way back from the Astronomy Tower with a clear mind and shivering shoulders. He finished three cigarettes in the half hour he spent under the night sky. It was a shame leather jackets weren't so warm, otherwise he'd be perfectly content at the moment.

The castle's hallways were just as eerie and quiet as they were before. But the only difference between then and now was the pep in his step and the slight scent of smoke lingering on his body.

As Sirius made his way back to the common room, the only intention he had was to go straight to his dorm and shower the (comforting) stench away before he got in trouble.

𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 - 𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊Where stories live. Discover now