🦁Chapter 1:Lion Boy🦁

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Xiao Zhan POV

My name is Xiao Zhan 19 years old, I have two work, first I am an adventurer, I like thrilling adventures the most, the second is I am a heir of the second largest Empire in the whole world Xiao Empire, I am also bethrothed to the heir of Wang, Wang Yibo, but i don't meet him yet because he has been missing for 17 years, he was kidnapped when he was 2, but his parents still believed that he is still alive.

" Zhan are you sure we're coming to that forest, I have heard many stories about that forest that there is a ghost there, can we cancel it Zhan I am afraid of ghost". My friend Ji Li said.

" Well your always a scaredy cat but we will not back off right Zhan?". My other friend Jiyang asked.

" Of course we will not, it's already decided plus we won't be called a professional adventurer if we are scared of ghost". I said.

" Zhan ge is right, don't be a scaredy cat Ji, there are Zhan, Jiyang, Fanxing, Bowen, me and you, no need to be scared". My brother Zhuocheng said.

" Fine just I don't want to be alone". Ji Li said.

" Why would we leave you alone?". I asked.

" Well let's stop this now and let's go since everyone is here already". Bowen said.

We all agreed, we get into my van and I rode to our Destination.

When we arrived at the forest we looked for a place to set our camp.

We decided to settle on the middle of the forest where the sunlight is reaching.

We set our tents, and other things, we made a bonfire and sat on a place not to far from the fire.

It's already dark so we decided to stroll in the forest tomorrow morning.

I went to my tent and sleep.

The next morning I woke up first and cook breakfast for us, even though I am a rich boy I love cooking.

After I finish cooking I wake my friends up and we have our breakfast together.

When we finished our breakfast we started strolling in the forest.

" Guys I am so scared". Ji Li said.

" We will really leave you here alone if you don't stop whining". I said.

Then suddenly we heard a growl our eyes widen.

We tried to look where the growl is coming from then suddenly we heard rustling from the branch of a tree that above us.

We looked up and screamed when something jump from the tree with a loud growl.

Ji Li fainted from fear.

I fall down and I felt something heavy on my stomach and when I looked up I saw a boy on top of me growling.

He has a dirt all over his face, he has super long hair and his body is covered with a Lions furr.

I thought he will hurt me but I got shocked when he started sniffing me, and when I looked at him his gaze is not sharp anymore but rather soft.

" W...who are you?". I asked.

But he didn't answer Instead he licked my face.

My other friends who just recovered from fear and saw the boy on top of me tried to help me get him off.

But as they went near me the boy growled and tried to attack them.

My friends back off and I tried to calm him, I pat his head, he looked at me and calmed down.

He licked me on my face again and I giggle slightly when he rubbed his face on my chest.

He got off me and started to run in crawling position like a lion, dog, cat, rabbit.

I told my friends to wait in the tent and I followed him.

I run behind him until we arrived to a lion den.

I got shocked and froze from the spot when I saw many lions.

The boy went near to one of the lions and the lion licked him.

I was still frozen from the spot watching how the Lion and the boy interact.

Then suddenly all the lions turned their attention towards me.

The boy approach me and rub his cheeks on my legs.

I kneeled down and caressed his cheeks.

I don't know why but I feel that I know this boy.

Then suddenly Zhuocheng appear I think he had followed me.

" Zhan we need to go now". He said.

He was about to approach me when all the lions and the boy growls.

Zhuocheng staggered backward and his eyes widen.

I patted the boy's head.

" Don't worry he is my brother, he won't hurt me, you and your friends". I said.

He calmed down and I smiled.

" Can you speak?". I asked.

Then he looked at me in confusion, I hit face palmed at realization.

How can he talk when he was a obviously raised by this lions.

I looked at him again and ruffled his hair.

His hair is a little muddy but I don't mind.

I decided to ask him to go back with me in my mansion.

" Do you want to go with me?". I asked.

Then I saw hesitation in his eyes, he looked back and went to the same lion.

I don't understand but they seemed to communicate.

Then the lion licked his face, the boy smiled and kissed the lions head.

After that he come back to me and nods.

I smiled and we went back to our camp.

My 3 other friends got shocked when they saw me and Cheng with the boy.

Cheng was keeping his distance with me since Everytime he got near me the boy will growl.

I just chuckled because he is so possessive.

We decided to go back early.

When we reached my van the boy tilted his head in confusion.

" Little one this is called van, sit beside me and we will go back to my mansion okay". I said and he nods.

I make him sit beside me in front, and my other friends sit inside the van in the back.

I can still see fear in their eyes.

I bring the van in life and started driving.

When we reached the city I can see his eyes sparkling Everytime he saw the tall buildings.

" What are you planning to do with him Zhan?". Bowen asked.

" I will clean him, dress him, and let him live in my mansion until I find his true identity". I said.

" You mean your going to look for his family?". Bowen asked.

" Yes I will, maybe his face family is looking for him". I said.

" Then until that time we need to give him a name". Jiyang said.

" That's right, we also need to give him a make over". Ji Li said.

" Are you guys in?". I asked.

" We are". My four friends said in unison.

The boy looked at us in confusion but I just smiled at him.


As a compensation at my unpublished stories, I will start publishing my new draft


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