🦁Chapter 2: Lan Wangji🦁

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3rd person POV

First Zhan brought Yibo to his mansion and asked his servants to prepare a warm bath.

He choose some clothes that will fit to the boy.

" Young master the warm bath is read". The servants said.

Zhan nods and went to the boy who is on a corner silently looking at them.

" don't worry little one, I need to clean you up, let's go to the bathroom, I will help you clean yourself, then after that let's go and shop some items for you, I will give you a new life, do you trust me?". Zhan asked.

The boy nods and followed zhan.

Zhan helped the boy to take a bath, he make sure the boy is cleaner.

Zhan put the lion furr on a plastic and placed them on a trash bin.

Zhan helped the boy to put on the clothes, he also helped him dry his hair and brush it.

The boy's hair Is so long like a girl.

After Zhan finished brushing the boy's long hair he looked at him and got mesmerized by the boy's beauty.

" Little one you will follow my commands right?". Zhan asked.

The boy nods.

" Can you call me Zhan ge?". Zhan asked.

The boy blink his eyes and Zhan can't help but coo him.

" Just say this, Zhan ge, Zhan~ ge~". Zhan said slowly so the boy can follow him.

"Z...z...Zhan...g...ge, Zhan ge". The boy said.

Zhan smiled and hugged the boy, he loved the boy's voice that he can't help but hug him tightly.

" Seems like he just need teaching and guidance then he can be normal like a real human". Zhan said in his mind.

Zhan looked at the boy and nods.

" That's my name okay, you will call me that, just ask me whatever you needs and I will give you, now let's go shop some items for you, but first you need to stand, can you?". Zhan said.

The boy nods and stand up, his feet a little jelly because he is used using both his hands and feet together to walk or run.

" Good boy". Zhan said when the boy stand up properly.

Then he lead the boy to his other car and went to the shopping mall where his friends were already waiting for them.

Jiyang waved his hands when they saw Zhan with the boy, then they all cooed when they saw the boy's clean look.

" So cute". Ji Li squealed.

The boy seemed to get along with them a Little, he don't growl when they see them now.

" Let's go now and we have a long way to go". Zhan said.

" Got it, it's make over time". The four shouted.

They all started to shop, they started at clothes first, they bought anything that they think that would be cute for the boy.

They make him tried everything and as they thought he looked to cute for everything, everything fits and perfect on him.

Next they brought him to the footwear area, they both him 2 pairs of shoes, slippers, and 1 indoor slippers.

When they are satisfied, they brought him to the parlor next.

They didn't have a problem since the boy is enjoying everything, he is giggling Everytime the five is complimenting him.

Zhan asked the barber to give a new hair cut for the boy and make him look more modern.

The barber nods and assured Zhan to leave it on him.

They waited for a few hours until the barber finished giving the boy a new hair looks.

The five got shocked and frozen when they saw how handsome and cute the boy was.

Ji Li broke the daydream first when he shouted.

" OMG how can you look this handsome and cute at the same time, I want to take you with me". Ji Li said.

Then Zhan's eyes widen and glared at Ji Li.

" You can't take him he's mine, I found him first". Zhan said and hugged the boy protectively.

" But you already have a fiance how can he be yours". Ji Li shouted.

" So what, he's mine". Zhan said.

" Don't you love your fiance?". Ji Li said.

" I love my fiance but he is mine". Zhan said and glare at Ji Li.

" Fine, fine, I won't argue with you anymore". Ji Li said.

" Did you think a name for him Zhan?". Jiyang asked.

" Mmn, Lan Wangji, his name is Lan Wangji". Zhan said.

Then Zhan looked at the boy.

" Is it okay if we name you Lan Wangji?". Zhan asked.

" Zhan ge". The boy called.

The four got shocked of how the boy's voice is so beautiful.

" Is it a yes?". Zhan asked and the boy nods.

" Then from now on you name will be Lan Wangji". Zhan said.

Wangji smiled and licked Zhan's cheeks.

Zhan blushed and the four started teasing him.

Zhan went back to the mansion with Wangji.

They both sat on the sofa and Zhan caressed Wangji's cheeks.

" Thank you for trusting me Wangji". Zhan said.

Wangji rubbed his cheeks on Zhan's palm and smiled.

They had a dinner and Wangji enjoyed everything.

" Wangji, I want to hire a teacher for you so you can speak straight, is it okay?". Zhan asked.

" Zhan ge, t...teacher?". Wangji asked.

" A teacher is the one who teach you many knowledge, and since you grew up in a forest with lions, I want to hire one for you so you can learn how to speak, read and write like a normal human". Zhan said.

Zhan smiled when Wangji nods.

Zhan pulled him closer and Wangji wrapped his arms around Zhan's waist.

" Now sleep". Zhan said.

Zhan kissed Wangji's forehead and smiled when he saw Wangji closing his eyes.

When he make sure Wangji is already asleep he closed his eyes and sleep too.

But Zhan can't fall asleep yet, so he carefully released Wangji's arms on his waist and went to his study table.

He wrote in his diary where he is writing everything that happened to his adventure.


Me and my friends went to a haunted forest and we found a boy that is raised by Lions, I took him back to my house cleaned him, and dressed him, he can't speak because he is raised by Lions but he is a fast learner, when I told him to call me Zhan ge, he did after 2 try.

Me and my friends brought him to the hair parlor, and shopping mall. We gave him a name Lan Wangji, he is so cute and adorable that I can't take my eyes off to his beauty.

After writing Zhan yawned and went back to the bed, and as he thought Wangji snuggled more closer to him.



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