🦁Chapter 12: The End🦁

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2 weeks later

Finally the wedding day is here.

Zhan and Yibo we're getting ready in two different rooms.

Both are excited because after this finally they will be tied to each other.

" Make sure Mr. Xiao and Mr. Wang is ready in 15 minutes, the wedding will start in 20 minutes". The wedding planner said.

Zhan took a deep breath and smiled the same as Yibo.

Time skip

20 minutes later

Everyone, sponsors, flower girls and boys, bridesmaid, groomsmen, ring bearer, the groom and the bride come one by one.

Zhan was standing in front of the altar waiting for his future wife.

Zhan eyes get teary when finally Yibo is walking in the aisle with his parents in his both sides.

After few minutes they reached the altar, Yiyi and Qiren handed Yibo's hands to Zhan.

" Take good care of our son". Qiren said.

" I will dad". Zhan said.

Zhan took Yibo's hands and wrap it around his arms.

Zhan and Yibo made their way towards the altar.

PRIEST: now we are here to wittiness the union of Xiao and Wang family through marriage, do you Xiao Zhan take Wang Yibo to be your legally wedded husband for life, for richness for poorer, for sickness for health, do you promise to take care of him, love him, and cherish him till death do you apart?.

ZHAN: Yes I do.

PRIEST: Do you Wang Yibo take Xiao Zhan to be your legally wedded husband for life, for richness, for poorer, for sickness, for health, do you promise to take care of him, love him, and cherish him till death do you apart?.

YIBO: Yes I do.

PRIEST:. Now take your vow to each other while putting the sacred Ring of marriage to each other.

ZHAN: Yibo my little Cub my lan Wangji, since the first day I met you in the forest I have felt a strong bond with you, that time I don't have any idea that you are Wang Yibo, your so innocent and naive back then but that makes me fall for you, I love you Wang Yibo my wife, my only love, you are only mine and after this day I will love you more, cherish you more, and protect you more, but be careful my love because I am a possessive and jealous person.

After saying that Zhan put the ring on Yibo's ring finger and kissed it.

Tears falling on Yibo's eyes as Zhan said his vows.

YIBO: Zhan ge, my beloved Zhan ge, if it is not because of you I am not here right now, I wouldn't have met my parents I thank you for that, for the first time I saw you in the forest I fell for you, even though I don't know what love means back then, I am happy in the forest with my lion family, but now I am more happy with my real family and you my husband, I am so happy right now that I can't describe how much I am happy, I love you so much my Zhan ge, my husband, and I am a possessive type too, don't ever forget that I am raised in the forest with Lions, I can kill anyone who tried and dared to touch what is mine.

After Yibo said that he put the other ring on Zhan's ring finger and kissed it.

PRIEST: To all who had witnessed the vow of this two souls are now witnessing too as I announced Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan officially married couple, you can seal each other's vows with a kiss.

Without anymore thinking Zhan pulled Yibo by his waist and captured his lips.

Everyone clapped at the scene some are even crying.

Finally the two soulmates are now married and now no one can separate them.


7 years later

" Wangji did you already finished your homework?". Yibo asked to their 7 years old Xiao Wangji.

" Yes Mom I just finished it". Wangji said.

3 months after their wedding Yibo got pregnant, he gived birth to a baby boy and they named him Wangji.

They never had hardship with Wangji, he is a nice, obedient, kind and smart child, but he is also cheerful and childish sometimes.

They are now 7 years officially married and they are leaving a happy life now.

Zhan fully take over the CEO position of Xiao Empire the same as Yibo who take over the position of CEO of Wang Empire.

" How was my two babies?". Zhan asked.

" Welcome home dad". Wangji said and kissed his father's cheeks.

" Welcome back Zhan ge". Yibo said and kissed Zhan on his lips.

Zhan hugged his two gems and kissed both of their foreheads.

" Sigh, I can't believe that falling in love with a lion boy will bring me this much happiness in my life". Zhan said.

Yibo giggled and kissed Zhan's cheeks.

" Mom, dad, can I have a request?". Wangji asked.

" What is it baby?". Zhan asked.

" I want to be a big brother". Wangji said making Yibo's eyes widen.

Zhan smirked and Pat Wangji's head.

" Wish granted baby". Zhan said and looked at Yibo who is blushing furiously.

" Shut up!". Yibo yelled.

The end.


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