🦁Chapter 3: Peck🦁

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The next day Zhan hired a private teacher for Wangji, first the teacher teached Wangji how to speak the alphabets, and Wangji being a fast learner he manage to speak the letters perfectly.

2 years later

Wangji already learned how to speak, read, and write, now he can speak straight even though he is still stuttering a little.

Zhan was so happy of how much Wangji progressed.

Everytime Zhan went back to his mansion Wangji will always greet him in the door.

Now Zhan don't feel bored when he was in his mansion.

Zhan also let Wangji use his game room, Wangji being a fast learner he is just one demo and Zhan can never beat him again.

Sometimes Zhan is also teaching Wangji how to cook when he have time and Wangji was listening to everything he said carefully.

Sometimes when he is tired from work Wangji is there to comfort him.

Wangji is still acting like a lion sometimes, well he grew up like that so Zhan just let him.

One day Zhan and Wangji was in the living room, Zhan was in his phone and Wangji was reading when Zhan's doorbell rang.

Zhan opened the door and saw his parents.

Zhan let them in And when his parents saw Wangji they cooed at how cute Wangji was.

" Who is he?". Zhan's mom Ziyuan asked.

" His name is Lan Wangji, but it's not his real name, I found him on a forest 2 years ago, he was raised by Lions, I take him back with me since he is so clingy to me, I want to find his parents so I give him a temporary name". Zhan said.

" 2 years ago, why didn't you told this to us, how can you hide such a cute and adorable creature from us, but I feel like he looked like someone I knew". Ziyuan said.

" Who?". Zhan asked.

" I don't remember, but he looks familiar". Ziyuan said.

" Maybe that can help us to find who he really is". Zhan said.

" Mmn, I will try to remember it, I promise". Ziyuan said.

" Thank you Mom". Zhan said.

" Hello Wangji my name is ziyuan and the man beside me is my husband fengmian, we are your Zhan ge's parents".

" Hello Zhan ge's parents my name is Lan Wangji, nice to meet you too". Wangji said.

Zhan sighed in relief because he actually thought that Wangji will attack his parents, since Wangji is so possessive and will attack the people who comes near me that he don't know.

" Your so cute". Ziyuan said.

" Thank you Zhan ge's mom". Wangji said.

" Just call us mom and dad too, like your Zhan ge is calling us". Ziyuan said.

" Ok mom". Wangji said.

Ziyuan can't stop herself and hugged Wangji.

Wangji hugged her back.

" By the way Zhan, we are actually here because I want to tell you that we will have a family meeting with your fiance's family". Ziyuan said after releasing Wangji's body.

" Okay, what time is it mom?". Zhan asked.

" 8:00pm". Ziyuan said.

" Ok I will be there". Zhan said.

" You should". Fengmian said.

After that Zhan's parents stayed for a while before going back to their own mansion.

" Your parents is just like you gege". Wangji said.

" Hahaha". Zhan laughed awkwardly.

Wangji lean his head on Zhan's shoulder, Zhan smiled and stroke Wangji's hair.

" Zhan ge what is mom talking about?" Wangji asked.

" Which one?". Zhan asked.

" About the dinner". Wangji said.

"Oh that, I have a fiancee, his name is Wang Yibo, I only saw him in his photos, he has chubby and cute cheeks, I didn't meet him in personal yet maybe not anymore because he was kidnapped when he was 2 we tried to look for him everywhere but we failed, but until now his parents are still not giving up on him, it's been 19 years now, he is at the same age as me 21". Zhan said.

Zhan looked at Wangji when he heard sobs and sniffs from the latter.

" Why are you crying?". Zhan asked.

" I don't know gege, but I feel my heart is paining, Yibo gege's parents are still looking for him and not giving up on him no matter how long he was missing, I don't know but I feel sad about yibo gege's parents". Wangji said.

Zhan hugged Wangji and Wangji cried more in Zhan's shoulders.

" Want to sleep now?". Zhan asked.

" No, want to cuddle with gege". Wangji said.

Zhan chuckled and kissed Wangji's forehead.

" What am I gonna do now, I am falling for you Wangji but this is wrong I am already engaged". Zhan said in his mind and sigh.

" Zhan ge are you going to leave me tomorrow for the dinner?". Wangji asked.

" I need to go Wangji, I am needed there, don't worry I will not be late I will be back and cuddle with you I will also buy you your favorite caramel cake". Zhan said.

" Okay gege but promise you will not be late okay". Wangji said.

" Yes I promise". Zhan said.

Wangji blinked his eyes and Zhan can't help but peck Wangji's lips.

Zhan widen his eyes when he realized what he did, he immediately apologized to Wangji but Wangji is just frozen in his seat.

" wangji I am really sorry, I didn't mean it, I shouldn't have kissed you, I am sorry please don't hate me". Zhan said.

Instead of answering Wangji kissed Zhan's cheeks and smiled at him.

" It's okay Zhan ge". Wangji said.

Zhan smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

" Let's sleep now". Zhan said.

Wangji nodded and both of them went to their room.

Zhan caressed Wangji's cheeks while Wangji wraps his arms around Zhan's waist.

" Zhan ge do you love Wangjj?". Wangji asked.

" Of course I do, I love you Wangji why do you ask?". Zhan said.

" Nothing, goodnight gege, I love you too". Wangji said.

Zhan smiled and hugged Wangji close.

Wangji rest his head on Zhan's chest and Zhan was stroking his head up and down while humming a song.

" I love you Wangji, but I am already engaged and I am scared to tell it to you because what if they suddenly find my fiance someday and we are in a relationship I can't afford to hurt you and I can't let you see me be married to someone, I don't want you to cry Wangji". Zhan mumbled when he felt Wangji already asleep.

Zhan sadly smiled before closing his eyes and sleep.


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