🦁Chapter 4: Visiting the Lion Den🦁

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The next day Zhan spend the whole day with Wangji, he took Wangji on a shopping and bought him some new things.

On the evening Zhan got ready for the family dinner, he is hesitant to leave Wangji but he need to go.

" I will go now Wangji". Zhan said.

" Remember your promise gege okay". Wangji said.

Zhan smiled and kissed Wangji's forehead.

" I know, and by the way, this tomorrow is Sunday remember". Zhan said.

" Mmn, why?". Wangji asked.

" Do you miss your lion family?". Zhan asked.

Wangji smiled sadly and nods.

" Let's visit them tomorrow". Zhan said.

Wangji's eyes sparkled and hugged Zhan tightly.

" Thank you Zhan ge". Wangji said.

" No problem Wangji". Zhan said.

Zhan finally bid his goodbye to Wangji and went to the Wang mansion where the dinner will be held.

When Zhan left Wangji sit on the sofa sadly, he already miss his Zhan ge even though he just left.

" Zhan ge". Wangji mumbled.


At Wang mansion

Zhan arrived at Wang mansion after 2 hours of driving.

He was greeted by his parents in the door, he just smiled at them before going in.

" Long time no see Zhan Zhan". Mr. Wang said.

" Long time no see dad". Zhan said.

" How are you?". Mrs. Wang asked.

" I am just okay Mom, how about you?". Zhan asked.

" We're just fine, by the way, I can feel it Zhan, he is near us I know he is still alive and I can feel that we will meet soon". Mrs. Wang said.

Zhan just smiled then he remembers Wangji, he fell deeply for the boy and it's making him crazy.

" Are you okay Zhan?". Ziyuan asked.

" Yes Mom, I am just fine". Zhan said.

The dinner started, it was peaceful, and good but Wangji never left Zhan's mind.

After that he went back to his mansion.

And as he arrived he was greeted by a sleeping Wangji on the couch.

Zhan got late because Mr. And Mrs. Wang didn't let him go.

He caressed Wangji's cheeks and lips with his thumb.

" Wangji wake up, why are you sleeping here?". Zhan asked.

Wangji stirred and he huffed when he saw Zhan.

Zhan sighed because he know that his baby lion is sulking.

" Wangji I am sorry, mom and dad didn't let me go early, come on don't be angry at Zhan ge". Zhan said.

" You didn't keep your promise, I hate you Zhan ge". Wangji said.

" Come on don't say you hate Zhan ge, I am really sorry". Zhan said and hugged Wangji.

Wangji started to sob and hug Zhan back.

" Gege I thought you will never go back and leave Wangji". Wangji said while sobbing.

" No Wangji gege will never leave you". Zhan said.

Wangji smiled and kissed Zhan's cheeks near Zhan's lips.

Wangji giggled when Zhan froze and breath hitched.

When Zhan heard him giggling he just shook his head and smile.

" Naughty baby Lion". Zhan said.

" Zhan ge, what time are we going to my home tomorrow?". Wangji asked.

" We will leave early so let's sleep now". Zhan said.

Wangji nods and went to their bedroom with Zhan.

Both layed on the sofa bed and cuddle with each other.

They wished each other goodnight before falling asleep.

Wangji woke up first the next day because he was so excited for the visit in his Lion family.

He woke Zhan up and went to the bathroom to change.

Zhan also did the same.

After both dressed up they drove to the forest.

They set a camp to the same place where Zhan set the camp before he met Wangji.

Wangji happily looked around while waiting for his Zhan ge to finish arranging their things.

Wangji growled like a lion and run with his both feets and hands on the ground.

Zhan followed him and after few minutes they arrived at the lion den.

Wangji growled to catch the attention of the Lions.

The Lions also growled when they saw Wangji.

The small lion pups run to Wangji and lick him all over his face while Wangji fall unto the grass while giggling.

Wangji went to the Lion who he considered as his mother and hug her.

The Lions played with Wangji, and Zhan was just watching him with a smile on his face.

He took his phone and video Wangji and the baby Lions while playing.

The Lion who is Wangji's mother come and sit beside him, he was scared at first but when the Lion lowered her head Zhan patted her and smiled when she didn't attack him.

" Thank you for taking care of Wangji when he was still a child until now". Zhan said and the Lion nodded her head.

Wangji smiled at Zhan when he saw Zhan and his Lion mother were getting along.

Zhan smiled back at him and Wangji continue playing with the Cubs.

" He was a sweet boy, he is just a little possessive and clingy but that is what I like about him, I have fallen in love with him but I can't be with him, because I am already engaged". Zhan said and smiled sadly.

The Lion mother pat Zhan's head with his paws and Zhan looked at him with a smile.

Then the Lion mother left Zhan and went to a place.

Minutes later she come back with a small white pouch.

The Lion give it to Zhan.

Zhan looked at it but as he saw it, his eyes widen.

Zhan can't believe of what he saw, he looked at Wangji who is busy playing with the Cubs.

Zhan looked back at the thing in his hands with a smile and tears of happiness flows in his eyes.



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