🦁Chapter 11: The rescue🦁

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When Yibo was already on Zhan's arms he stirred up and slowly opened his eyes.

" Are you fine little Cub?". Zhan asked.

" Zhan ge, I am scared". Yibo said with trembling voice.

" It's fine, your fine now". Zhan said.

Zhan whispered something on Yibo and haikuan's ears with a smirk on his face.

" Plan B, start". Zhan mumbled.

Meanwhile, when he Peng opened the briefcase it was empty.

His eyes widen and looked at Zhan who is now alone.

" You, where is the papers?". He Peng asked.

" Papers, there's never have been papers there it's just an empty briefcase". Zhan said with a grin.

" But I saw it just now". He Peng said.

" It's magic Mr. He, don't you forget that I am an adventurer, I love adventures and learning things, and magic trick is one of it". Zhan said.

Zhan then pulled out something from his hair and it's the papers.

" How dare you trick me". He Peng shouted.

" I dare because I am Xiao Zhan". Zhan said.

" Kill him". He peng shouted.

Zhan just chuckled and whistled, then the Lions started roaring.

The Lions come out from where they are hiding and attacked he peng's men's.

The four men got eaten by the Lions, and now the Lions has trapped he Peng.

The Lions circled around he Peng who is now trembling from fear.

Yibo come out from the bushed and hugged the Lion mother while giggling like a baby.

" Surprise". Zhan said.

" H...how can this be happening?, it's impossible". He Peng said.

" Nothing is impossible to me, you didn't just messed up with the Wang and Xiao family, but you also messed up with this Lions who took care, and adored Yibo so much". Zhan said.

" It's the end of your greed Mr. He Peng". Zhan said.

Zhan snapped his fingers and the Lions started devouring he peng's body, ripping it to pieces.

Zhan sighed in relief when everything finished.

Zhan hugged Yibo tightly and kissed him deeply.

" Thank you Zhan ge and everyone for rescuing me and haikuan ge". Yibo said.

Yibo hugged the Lions and thanked them.

The Lion mother patted Yibo's head with her paws and Yibo hugged her.

" Thank you, because of you I am here, you guys will always be part of my family". Yibo said.

After that the Lions went back to the forest.

Zhan, Yibo and haikuan went back to the Wang Mansion.

When they arrived they were engulfed in a tight hug from the elders.

" Thank god your all fine". Ziyuan said.

" Did they hurt you anywhere baby?". Yiyi asked.

" No, they just put a handkerchief in our nose that make us unconscious". Yibo said.

" Those bad guys I will kill them". Yiyi said.

" Mom, you don't need to because they have become the Lions meal already". Zhan said.

" And you Zhan Zhan, how dare you take action by your own". Yiyi scolded Zhan.

Zhan just rubbed his nape while awkawadly chuckling.

" But thank you for saving them". Yiyi said.

" You don't need to thank me mom, because it's my responsibility to take care of my future wife". Zhan said looking at Yibo.

Yibo grin at him.

1 week later

It's been 1 week since the accident happened, now they have their revenge on the man who caused all the mess in their family.

Zhan and Yibo are now preparing for their upcoming wedding.

It will be held 2 weeks later

The whole Wang and Xiao family were busy.
They are all excited for the wedding of Yibo and Zhan.

Yibo is excited but nervous at the same time, he is excited because he will be married to his Zhan ge but nervous that he will make a mistake.

Yiyi, and Ziyuan calm him down saying it will be all fine.

However Zhan was so excited finally his little Cub will be his.

The reception, they decided it to be on the forest since all of the animals there are Yibo's friends, not just the Lions.

And they want to thank them for raising Yibo.


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