🦁 Chapter 8: Zhu Zanjin Plan🦁

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Zhu Zanjin POV

How can this be, Zhan ge knows??.

What am I gonna do.

I called uncle He Peng, he is the man who is behind all of this, I need to tell him about it.

" Hello". Uncle said.

" Uncle what am I gonna do?, Xiao Zhan knew who the real Yibo is and he said he also knew who I really are". I said.

" Easy, easy, how can you believe it, the real Yibo is long dead, I dispose him in the forest where many wild animals are lurking, he might be a dust now in the forest how can he know who the real Yibo, there's no way a baby can escape the forest wild animals". Uncle said.

" That's right, he might just said that because of anger". I said.

" What did you actually do?". Uncle asked.

" There is a guy named Wangji in his house on our date Zhan ge bought a set of Lion jewelry, I thought he will give it to me someday but I saw that Wangji guy wearing it and I thought he stole it so I took it from him and he got injured but Zhan GE got angry to me and told me that he really gave it to that guy, he even slapped me". I said.

" Wangji?". Uncle asked.

Then I remember what he said when I first come to his mansion.

" I remember something uncle, Zhan ge told us that Wangji was found in a forest by him and he is taking care of him, what if he is the real yibo And Zhan ge knew". I said.

" Hahaha, that's impossible it's been 19 years, how can a 2 years old kid survive the forest alone". Uncle said.

" That's right maybe I am wrong there is no way that Wangji guy is the real Yibo". I said.

" That's right, but still be careful Xiao Zhan is a sharp guy, he is smart so be careful of what you say and do". Uncle said.

" Yes uncle I will". I said.

" Good and by the way I need to get the Xiao Empire sooner so you should ask your fake parents to move the wedding, the earlier the better". Uncle said.

" But how?". I asked.

" It's your method how". Uncle said.

" Sure but you should keep your promise, Zhan ge will be mine, you will not hurt him and after you got the Xiao Empire you will leave me and Zhan ge alone". I said.

" Of course, I promise". Uncle said.

I smiled before cutting the call.

I called my "parents" or more like yibo's parents.

" Mom, I have something to ask". I said.

" What is it baby?". Yibo's mom asked.

" Can I move my wedding with Zhan ge earlier?". I asked.

" Are you sure?". She asked.

" Yes Mom, I want to be married to Zhan ge already plus I am at the right age now". I said.

" Anything my baby like, then I will call the Xiao family and we will talk about it tonight come home immediately". She said.

" Thank you Mom". I said.

I cutted the call with a wide smile in my face.

I will be Zhan ge's wife in no time now, I am so excited.

Xiao Zhan POV

Oh so that's it, that's your plan huh, to take marry me and take away the Xiao Empire.

How dare you.

I recorded the audio and video of him and his plan before turning off my laptop.

I looked at Wangji who is sleeping peacefully.

I layed beside him and stroke his cheeks with my thumb.

I kissed his lips gently and he stirred.

" Sorry did I wake you up?". I asked.

" What time is it Zhan ge?". He asked.

" 9pm sleep more". I said.

" Can you cuddle me to sleep?". He asked.

" Sure, come here". I said and wrapped my arms around him.

He buried his face on my chest and minutes later I heard soft snores from him, I smiled and kissed his forehead.

" Sleep well my Wang Yibo". I whispered.


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