🦁 Chapter 6: Date with the impostor🦁

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" you two should get to know each other". Yiyi said.

" Ok mom". Zhan said.

" By the way who is this cute boy here?". Qiren asked.

" Oh he is Lan Wangji he is the boy I found in the forest 2 years ago, and I am taking care of him". Zhan said.

"Oh so it's him, he is cute". Yiyi said.

"And super innocent". Zhan said.

Yiyi chuckled, she don't know why but she felt something warm from Wangji.

" Wangji, can you stay with your Jiyang and Haoxuan gege for a week, I have something to do". Zhan said.

Wangji pouted but nods.

Zhan excused him and Wangji, he brought want I to his room and hugged him.

" Wangji, don't be sad I promise I will get you after a week, plus your other gege's also missed you, you are spending most of your time with me, you should spend more time with them too okay". Zhan said.

" Okay gege, I understand". Wangji said.

" That's my good little Cub". Zhan said.

Wangji giggle and peck Zhan's lips.

" Take care gege". Wangji said.

" Thank you Wangji". Zhan said.

Zhan left with his family, but he waited for Jiyang to take Wangji first before he left.

He already missed his little Cub but he has something more important to do.

Xiao Zhan POV

It's been 3 days since I left Wangji, I have been goin to dates with the impostor yibo, he wants to know what he is planning to do.

" Zhan ge, can we buy that?". He asked pointing at the necklace with moon pendant.

" Sure". I said.

I bought him the necklace, then something caught my eye, it's a set of necklace, ring, earrings and bracelet with lion design.

I bought it for my Wangji.

" For whom is that ge?". He asked.

" Nothing, I just like it". I said.

" Okay". He answered.

I placed the box with the jewelry in my bag.

We bought went to a restaurant and eat lunch.

I miss my little Cub, I want to see him again.

After eating lunch me and the impostor yibo went to the cinema and watch a movie before going home.

At night, I just finished showering, I went back to my bed and saw Yibo on the edge of my bed sitting.

He looked at me with lust in his eyes, I smirked and went near him.

" Like what you see?". I asked.

He nods and stand up, he clings his arms around my neck.

Inwardly I felt disgusted by his touch but I need to get his trust so I can know what he is really planning.

He placed his head on my chest but I don't feel anything unlike when my Wangji place his head on my chest.

" Sleep, it's already late". I said.

He nods and kissed my cheeks.

When he went out of my room I went back to the bathroom and take a shower again.

I want to get rid of his touch in my body, I only want my Wangji to touch me.

After I finish bathing again, I went back to my bed and put on my pyjmas.

I opened my phone and video called Haoxuan, I want to see my Wangji.

We talked for a while before I sleep in my bed.

One week later

I come back to my own mansion, I weñt to Haoxuan's mansion first to take my Wangji back.

When I arrived I was greeted by a big tight hug by Wangji.

" I miss you gege". He said.

" I miss you too Wangji". I said and hugged him.

We two bid our farewell to Jiyang and Haoxuan.

When we arrived at my mansion I give him all the gifts I bought for him.

" Wangji this is for you". I said and give him the box of Lion jewelry.

He smiled when he saw it and hugged me.

" Can you help me wear it gege?". He asked.

I nod and took the necklace and put it on him, next is the bracelet, the ring and lastly the earring.

" It looks good on you". I said.

" Thank you gege". He said.

" Your welcome Wangji". I said.

We cuddled each other in the sofa while watching the TV.

I clicked my tongue in frustration when my phone rings disturbing me and Wangji.

I frowned when I see who the caller was, it was the impostor Yibo.

I turned off my phone.

" Who is that gege?". Wangji asked.

" My fiance". I said with sarcastic tone in my voice.

" Gege do you love him?, Are you going to marry him?". Wangji asked.

" I don't love him, but I need to marry him, we've been engaged since we were babies". I said.

I look at him and cupped his face when I saw his saddened expression.

" Why are you sad Wangji?". I asked.

" Because if Zhan ge got married Zhan ge will leave Wangji and live with his wife, and I hate this feeling gege, my heart is paining, I hate to think that you will be married....and not to me". Wangji said whispering the last words.

I smile because he knows that my little Cub is jealous.

" Wangji baby, I will never leave you, never okay". I said.

" Promise?". He asked.

" Promise". I said.

He snuggled close to me and I hug him tightly too.

We stayed like that for awhile before going to our room and sleep.


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